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Lockout for trains entering a WYE:


My layout has a stub yard where trains enter and leave via a WYE track.  Since I need to prevent trains from entering from the yard via the WYE if the turnouts on the main route are set for "through" traffic I have installed an "interlock".  The "interlock" determines whether the yard track which connects to the WYE is powered OR not.


If the route is selected to bypass the WYE then the yard track is not energized and no train can leave the yard. This will prevent an accidental collision of 2 trains.


Note 1: I have a Routing Panel with individual route selection pushbutons. When a Route is selected all the appropriate turnouts for that route are operated at once. 


Note 2: My Dispatcher Panel then monitors the turnouts and shows either a Red or Green LED indicator for each turnout. I can then easily determine from the Dispatcher Panel if a route has been set. My Dispatcher Panel also has yellow LEDs to indicate whether a section of track is powered or not.





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