Over one year ago we sold our house in order to make room for my mother-in-law. This necessitated tearing down a model railroad 6 years in the making. All well worth it as my mother-in-law is a wonderful person. Recently she has informed us that she would like to move to Mexico and live with friends there (go figure!). This has been a blow to us but it will offer up space for a possible new layout.
I am a bit of a loss as I have dozen of boxes of my old layout packed away in the attic. My best Legacy locomotives have been beautiful self-queens during this whole time. The thought of beginning again is very daunting as I spent countless hours building my previous layout.
But, recently the bug has come back! I want to run trains!!
Now I need a new track plan and I am failing at coming up with something that fits. This is where I could really use the forum's expertise.
The dedicated space that I have for a full layout is 10x20 with a possible dog-bone of 3x8. My needs are a double mainline 91 and 100 curve. O72 never really worked for the articulated locomotives. Also, two sides of the layout against the wall in order to build mountains and tunnels as well as having mountain backdrops. I would like an elevation change possibly utilizing the Scenic risers system. I also need a reverse loop and places to store my trains on the layout. With 10 feet wide layout I will also require being able to access my fat *** around in order to create and service my layout! My great desire would be to have a six to eight stall roundhouse, although I may very well be dreaming about this one!!
Now, I'm sure you realize why I am stuck! Any and all suggestion would be greatly welcome.
Best to all,