I am just starting scenery on my layout - never really done much with scenery at all but ready to give it a shot. I have posted some pictures I would like your expertise on. The basic scene is a freight yard next to a elevated track. I will have building fronts along the wall. Some general questions.
1. Any thoughts on grass and plants. Using woodland scenics paint and grass
2. I have a glue water mixture used to glue the ballast. Don't get a spray get more of a stream, any tips on that do i need to dilute the glue to make it thinner or try a different sprayer? The stream displaces the scenery some
3. Don't like my sky really and have not attached it permently yet. Have an artist friend that would paint clouds for me. Don't really want to spend the money on that though expensive to do the complete layout.
I am just open to any thoughts/comments as to how to next steps.