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I wanted to post my layouts lower level plan to see if I am thinking correctly in creating manual blocks. I am wondering if I am separating them in a good place. Obviously, they are color-coded to indicate blocked sections.

I will likely put track occupancy signals in later but I'm not interested in automated running as I think the layout may be a little short on length for trains to follow each other. I could be wrong. But hey that's why I'm asking for your thoughts.

5' x 12' Gargraves track 054 Curves on the outer loop, 042 curves on the inner loop straight and sectional curves. Ross switches. Crossover switches are  #11s and the Spurs are 042.

Thanks in advance.


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  • mceclip0
Last edited by Oldegreybeard
Original Post

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Oldegreybeard posted:
SantaFeJim posted:

Why do you feel the need for manual blocks?

Control multiple conventional trains.

Is there a better option?

No, your answer explains it.

 How many trains do you plan on having on your lower level... 2 or 3?

Will they ALL be traveling clockwise or counter clockwise?  It will be VERY difficult to have mixed directions because one or two will have to run backwards to accommodate the “odd” facing train, unless you add some passing sidings.


SantaFeJim posted:
Oldegreybeard posted:
SantaFeJim posted:

Why do you feel the need for manual blocks?

Control multiple conventional trains.

Is there a better option?

No, your answer explains it.

 How many trains do you plan on having on your lower level... 2 or 3?

Will they ALL be traveling clockwise or counter clockwise?  It will be VERY difficult to have mixed directions because one or two will have to run backwards to accommodate the “odd” facing train, unless you add some passing sidings.


Planned on running 2. One per loop. One counterclockwise and one clockwise then if desired move them over to the opposite loop from what they are on. 

Last edited by Oldegreybeard
Jan posted:

Each loop should have one more block than the number of trains you want to run on it,  The engine needs to move into an unoccupied block so as not to interfere with the train ahead.


This simple fact plus the other info here now has me thinking about moving the top set of crossover switches to the bottom and blocking at least the outside loop into 3 sections as I could have the option to have two albeit short trains follow each if I wired in the automatic block option.

Thanks to all it's making me rethink what I have to make the best decision for my layout.

Oldegreybeard posted:
The Other Guy posted:
Oldegreybeard posted:


I'm wondering why your turnouts (in brown) are on the same block. In conventional, I could see this being an issue.

- The Other Guy

I figured it would allow a locomotive to be parked at that location. Is that a bad idea? Where should it be blocked?

No, not a bad idea. You just have 2 turnouts on 1 block. This means only 1 train at a time. With 2 turnouts, seems like a lost opportunity.

By the way, Jan's comment - "Each loop should have one more block than the number of trains you want to run on it" - is a simple but solid metric as you think this through.  

- The Other Guy

Last edited by The Other Guy
The Other Guy posted:
Oldegreybeard posted:
The Other Guy posted:
Oldegreybeard posted:


I'm wondering why your turnouts (in brown) are on the same block. In conventional, I could see this being an issue.

- The Other Guy

I figured it would allow a locomotive to be parked at that location. Is that a bad idea? Where should it be blocked?

No, not a bad idea. You just have 2 turnouts on 1 block. This means only 1 train at a time. With 2 turnouts, seems like a lost opportunity.

By the way, Jan's comment - "Each loop should have one more block than the number of trains you want to run on it" - is a simple but solid metric as you think this through.  

- The Other Guy

Thanks for your patience. Would this be better utilization?

Track Block Sections 2


Images (1)
  • Track Block Sections 2
The Other Guy posted:
Oldegreybeard posted:

... Would this be better utilization?

Track Block Sections 2


It's unclear from the diagram: are there 4 blocks in this image or 7? If there are 4, I don't think so. If 7, I think you're on your way ...

- The Other Guy


The Other Guy posted:
Oldegreybeard posted:

... Would this be better utilization?

Track Block Sections 2


It's unclear from the diagram: are there 4 blocks in this image or 7? If there are 4, I don't think so. If 7, I think you're on your way ...

- The Other Guy

Yep its 7.

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