Anyone heard from or seen Marty lately? He was a tremendous help to me as was Barry Broskowitz. Just wondering about him as I haven't seen him post in quite awhile.
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Someone else posted the same question. Check here.
John H posted:Someone else posted the same question. Check here.
Yes I saw that but he posted back on the first of April and haven't heard from since. I know Barry Broskowitz Memorial is this weekend in New Jersey (NORTH). Several forum members are attending but unfortunately I have to work. Was wondering if Marty would be there as him and Barry were good friends.
Marty is home having been in and out of hospitals the last few weeks. He is not completely out of the woods, but we are all optimistic.
Lew Schneider
Marty is a good guy and while he has perhaps stepped back from the hobby for health issues right now, we certain wish him a speedy recovery. If you are reading this Marty, Get well soon!! Our prayers are with you.
Marty, I've always liked your posts so....... if your reading this, get well soon and best wishes from West Australia.
Roo. (Neville Rossiter)