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I had asked about this topic earlier: wondering if the Lionel element  I used was the problem.I was disappointed at how little smoke it made at slow speeds. I am building another CV with a "new" 666 smoke generator that makes good smoke running on my test rollers but it really doesn't make much more smoke than my previous attempt on the layout.

(I don't have  a big layout where I can attach a long heavy consist. )

The transformer for the test rollers is also connected o a small circle layout. I noticed that when I was running a handcar on the circle , the new 666 motor slowed down. so then increasing transformer power for the CV/66 motor to regain speed,smoke increased.

So my question is whether there is some sort of resistor/diode etc I could install between the pickup and motor while running another wire straight from the pickup to to the smoke unit, necessitating more power from the transformer for the motor thus making more smoke?

Asking another way, how can I rob power from the motor and not the smoke unit?

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