Measuring current on a power line is one thing, but measuring current on a layout with a moving train on it makes me question if I'm doing it right.
I placed my Atlas GP9 (MTH motors and PS2, headlight, marker lights, and sound are the only things drawing current) on my layout with a 6-car train. At 30smph I measured the current and read between .001 and .350 amps.
The .001 amp reading comes just after the train passes where I have connected the meter (engine is approximately 6 feet down the track at that point). When the train comes around to approximately 6 feet before where I connected the meter it reads .350 amps. As the train goes round the layout the reading varies between the two readings.
Why are the readings different when the train is equal distant from the meter connections?
Adding cars would add to the current draw (I need to do this on a passenger train), but to me that's pretty low current draw.