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I was looking for cantilever signal bridge in o scale but I only found the BLMA website and only ho and n scale products! I see nothing else on the net!

So I asked to my computer: "draw me a signal bridge!" and it did it! 


Pictures below show you the 2d drawings and 3d views of what I have created.

Some explanations: the 2d drawings come from a french software "MICOPLAN", very easy to use and accurate; I like it! the 3d views come from SKETCHUP software, well known.

As I have no size of these cantilever, I used to look at photos where I could see locos or cars underneath or human beside to have an idea and not to make big mistakes; So I create also this topic to ask you if the dimensions I have choosen are good or no.

The building of this signal bridge shouldn't be too hard to make; the main thing is to cut many parts with accuracy; I will certainly begin the assembly in next january, because I have some work on the 2d drawings.

Before the pictures, can somebody tell me how to insert a text between to pictures? I don't manage to do it!!!

I found recently on in my 2d software that I could make measurements in inches, so I made a copy for you in inches!!


Cantilever signal bridge

Cantilever signal bridge [hor)

Cantilever signal bridge renf h_b

Cantilever signal bridge 2

Cantilever signal bridge


Images (5)
  • Cantilever signal bridge
  • Cantilever signal bridge (hor)
  • Cantilever signal bridge renf h_b
  • Cantilever signal bridge 2
  • Cantilever signal bridge
Original Post

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Not sure how I missed this thread at the end of August.  I may be too late seeing as you already have parts underway.  But you could try the Western Cullen Hayes website for some information on these types of signals.  Click on the "Cantilever" tab for some specifications that may give you some hard reference points to interpret photos with.


I want these too.  The BLMA models are very nice, and would be welcome in O scale.


Originally Posted by jpv69:

Thanks for your replies!


----> Trainman2001: merci beaucoup

----> Jim: I can give you the drawings to build one too; no copyright!! I'm here to share!

I just saved the images from this thread.  If you have something else with more or better information, feel free to contact me.  My email is in my profile.


Also, I can create new files in 3d autocad if you have any interest.  I'm not sure of Sketchup's capabilities, but I (or you) can 3d print from the autocad files.



Thanks for your interest!


---->bigtrain: No problem for more information.

I don't use Autocad: too hard for me!!! I content with my little 2D software and Sketchup. As Trainman2001 says, the STL plug-in for Sketchup can output to 3D printers (but today, I have no 3D printer!!!).


---->rdunniii: I can't give you a copy of the layers because I have not Sketchup "Pro", just Sketchup " Make" and I can only export in ".DAE" files. However, I think I can give you the 2D drawings as I do on this topic but by private mail if yo want.


----> for you all, I can also insert in this topic other 3D views of  all faces of the cantilever bridge in different points of view. So tell me


See you soon

Originally Posted by jpv69:

Thanks for your interest!


---->bigtrain: No problem for more information.

I don't use Autocad: too hard for me!!! I content with my little 2D software and Sketchup. As Trainman2001 says, the STL plug-in for Sketchup can output to 3D printers (but today, I have no 3D printer!!!).


---->rdunniii: I can't give you a copy of the layers because I have not Sketchup "Pro", just Sketchup " Make" and I can only export in ".DAE" files. However, I think I can give you the 2D drawings as I do on this topic but by private mail if yo want.


----> for you all, I can also insert in this topic other 3D views of  all faces of the cantilever bridge in different points of view. So tell me


See you soon

Lol!  I'm the other way around.  Sketchup drove me nuts coming from an Autocad background.


Other 3d views aren't necessary unless you feel they would add something to the information.  The 2d drawings offer plenty, and I would probably just reference actual prototype photos for additional info anyway.


Thanks again.  I'll keep an eye on this project.


Many thanks, Matt!


---->Jim: 'don't mind! try with the ".bmp", it's the clearest.

----> Trainman2001: Yes really threaded (ISO standard M1, 10 mm long; as well as nuts which I can find out of the ISO standard, but M1 too, because they are less wide and so, more to scale! but they are also minuscule and eager to escape!!!! sure this kind of bolts exists in your country (perhaps not the same standard).

How many? Great question! 'don't know yet; already the prototype! it will depends of the final track plan and of my knowledge about US signalling, but it's not so different than french signalling: green, clear; yellow: warning; red: stop; for speaking simply! after that, they are lot of rules and combinations of colours which are different.


See you soon

It's going to look marvelous. I wish you'd attempt to do it in all brass. It would be much stronger. Styrene's wonderful to work with, but it can let go at times. 


Speaking of brass. My American Beauty Resistance Soldering Unit just stopped working. The circuit breaker button appears to be in the on position. I've checked all the power connections. I'm going to call them on Monday. I actually had to use a conventional soldering iron. Horrors!

No, no, I'm not good at soldering and I have only a poor soldering iron!!! I think that when all the parts will be together glued, including the walkway, the ridgidity will be good enouth for the horizontal beam. For the vertical parts, tubes of 6 and 3 mm diameter will make the pole strong. (I hope!)


Sorry for your soldering unit! it happens always when you need it! like my drill stand!!!


A bientôt, cher ami


Jean Patrick



Thanks, Trainman2001!

I would like to use signals target like those I have made in 3D (post 23th of september); but it's not easy to find; perhaps I have to make them by myself (and I have not yet a 3D printer); connection will be made with glue or bolts, certainly and the locations are ready; but I wonder if I would have to do a second floor to the bridge if I have to install a second target above the first one. It will depends of the place on the layout and of my knowledge of US signalling. For the moment, it's a prototype and I have to find the way to do these signal heads easily; I have seen ready to use targets on E-bay, but I don't like to purchase on this web site...

Happy sunday


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