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As many of you know, I construct a Christmas layout in the orchestra pit of the 1928 Redford Theatre here in Detroit each year.  Eventually I would like to construct an approximate O scale model of the theater's facade to include on the display in the future.  Unfortunately I have little experience scratch building and was curious as to whether anybody had any tips or ideas that would help me with this project.

Last edited by SantaFe158
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Redford Theater


Hi Jake • I also live in Detroit, and have been going there for a long time. When I was a kid, there was a candy store on that block from Grandriver. We used to ride our bicycles to the movies. 


Now I go for the classic movies and organ nights.


Did they give you a budget to build this layout. You may want to think about using RailKing Buildings & Fasttrack, to make set up & take down go faster.


Redford Theater


Images (1)
  • Redford Theater
Last edited by trainroomgary

I made this completely scratchbuild Luxor modeled after a lot of images I got on googleimages with a serach for "Art Deco Movie theater" including the old Roxie on Broadway.  It was one of the more fun projects I've done, made a bit more challenging because it is on a street with a steep slope.  You ought to have a blast making yours.  It looks like a very interesting old theater.


Move theater 1

Movie Thater 2

Movie theater 3


Images (3)
  • Move theater 1
  • Movie Thater 2
  • Movie theater 3
Last edited by Lee Willis

Jake - That is a very cool theater and you have a neat project.  Wish you the all the best.


Lee - I love that theater.  You have what I plan to do with my theater and that is have a line of people waiting to get in.  I haven't seen that done before and I think it adds a lot of drama and realism to the scene.



Originally Posted by trainroomgary:

Did they give you a budget to build this layout. You may want to think about using RailKing Buildings & Fasttrack, to make set up & take down go faster.



This layout is all built using my personal collection.  The Theater doesn't pay for any of the supplies.  I use fastback already (unfortunately wiring still requires a lot of time to make the layout function properly at every show), but am working on replacing a couple other loops of O-27 tubular track.  A friend of mine has also been contributing pieces out of his collection to help out.


The village itself is made up of my 30+ ceramic Christmas Village buildings that I've collected over the years.

Originally Posted by SantaFe158:
Originally Posted by Greg Houser:
Are you looking for tips on this specific structure or scratchbuilding in general?


Any tips out of either really.  I don't have a clue as to where to even begin on such a project.

One thing to think about: a model of Falling Water on your layout would be seriously fantastic  I've been there and I loved it.  More importantly, you have and have the memories - nothing helps a modeler as much as that.  Keep it in mind . . . 

Originally Posted by Lee Willis:
Originally Posted by SantaFe158:
Originally Posted by Greg Houser:
Are you looking for tips on this specific structure or scratchbuilding in general?


Any tips out of either really.  I don't have a clue as to where to even begin on such a project.

One thing to think about: a model of Falling Water on your layout would be seriously fantastic  I've been there and I loved it.  More importantly, you have and have the memories - nothing helps a modeler as much as that.  Keep it in mind . . . 

Perhaps someday.  It was definitely a neat place to visit and would make for a really neat model.  I'm pretty sure the Miniature Railroad and Village in Pittsburgh has a full model (including running water in the river) of the house.

A glimpse of Jake's 2013 Layout..... 5 Operating Tracks.  a O72 FastTrack Mainline, O54 Tubular Mainline, O36 Trolly FastTrack Trolly Line, and 2 Elevated O27 Tracks on top of the "Mountain area"  Run with a few ~80w transformers.


This Year I am trying to help out with jake to add more power, more reliable track (Rumor is both an O72 and O60 FastTrack Mainline, and maybe even a yard...but thats just a rumor)


Jake always improves the layout year over year and i have absolute respect for what he is doing with his own time/collection.


here is a quick operating video from the 2013 layout.


SantaFe158, in Run 193 April 2003 page 77 to 81, O Gauge Railroading I wrote "Creating the Warner Theater". I started with the Ameri-Town Theater #867. But if you are trying to do the top photo in your original post, I would recommend using the #874 Bagley's Store or # 442 Skippey Gear Co. because they have the rounded topped windows like your "Redford" Theater has on the second floor. For the ground floor I recommend using one piece of plexiglass (available from Home Depot) and using silver pinstriping tape (auto or craft store) to define the aluminum door frames.


For the marque I would use Evergreen plastic. Miller Engineering sells florescent lights that could be encased inside the structure and holes in the plastic would let the light out (instead of individual LEDs). The movie titles can be black transfer letters on very thin translucent plastic sheets that can be slid in and out of channel stock frames. (see my OGR story). The REDFORD letters can be purchased at craft stores like Micheals. 


If you model the interior, use a photo of the real thing or draw cardboard walls. Although Plastistruct sells theater seats, you would go broke buying all you would need. Build your own as I did, and when you have people figures seated, no one will notice they are not detailed.


Jake, I am sure you can do an outstanding job modeling the REDFORD if you take your time. Best wishes for a wonderful project.


Paul Goodness

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