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Hello everyone, and Merry Christmas.

I recently took delivery of this PS1 set from Trainz. When I purchase a PS1 or 2 engine, I don't even run it until I've replaced the battery with a BCR- which I did this morning. When I put it on the track and powered up it immediately started moving. Diesel sounds and lights are working, but it will not enter neutral. Also (and I'm admittedly unfamiliar with this set), the amperage draw seems high- showing around 3.5 amps on my Z4000.

I know PS1 and 2 engines are sometimes a crapshoot, but I've had good luck with several up until this point. Are the boards shot, or is there any other reason this could be acting this way?

Thanks & regards,

Steve B

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Maybe the engine is locked in one direction?

I found this passage about unlocking the direction…

Put the engine into the direction you want ,run it at a very slow crawl (as slowly as it will move without halting), and quickly but firmly tap the Horn button once followed by three quick taps of the Bell button, allowing approximately ½ second to lapse between each quick button press.

The engine will not change direction (including going into neutral) until you repeat the 1horn, 3bells code to return the engine to its normal condition, even if the engine is kept without power for extended periods of time.


Thank you for the reply. You were quite correct, it was locked. I've never had one that was locked, and I falsely assumed it would still cycle to neutral- which I now see wouldn't make sense. I had to dig out my Z-4000 manual, and the procedure is simply to enter program mode, select feature 51 and press the bell button. Working like a champ now.


Steve B

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