I love the complaints that come with each new catalog.
"Its all just remakes"
Yea, because EVERYONE on O Gauge has purchased EVERY item from MTH over the years.
There are way more people who wait patiently at another crack at a locomotive they missed out on the first time around than people who bought it the first time.
"they didn't make it in my road name"
Sorry, you and the two other guys who model that road will just have to make due with decorating your own
"there is no new tooling of that one locomotive that one obscure railroad specifically had"
Will you help them sell 500 of them to cover the tooling cost? No, you probably wont even buy one
"they don't listen to what the customers want"
I met Mike Wolf a couple of months ago and told him there were multiple proto 2 locomotives i missed the first time around and was hoping to get now with proto 3. well, there are 6 of them in this catalog. Maybe I am the only customer that matters