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I have a PS/2 board in a 20-2325-1 DL-109 that produces no sound but functions in every other way. The unit was purchased from auction. I have 2 50-1912 upgrade kits and would upgrade to PS/3 but I am uncertain if the upgrade kit will accommodate connectivity to the DL-110 powered B unit. I haven't opened the box yet.  Does anyone have this information?

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That kit will convert all the lighting in the lead A unit to LED while the dummy will still have incandescent.  Plus, I don’t believe the PS3 board will talk to the PS2 slave board. You will likely have to convert the dummy unit to a PS3 slave board and change all the lighting.  No harnesses are available, so you would have to buy and modify a PS3 diesel harness.  A real pain.

The easiest routes would be to use the PS3/2 stacker with 5v connectors, or since your current board has all functions but sound, I would inspect the speaker for delamination, test the board with a known good speaker, and if the board is still bad, change the PS2 5v audio amp.  I have them, as does MTH parts, and they are not difficult to change

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