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E4C2157C-128B-4492-B4F6-CECE9C81716ACF158D66-DC97-4D45-AB73-8AA5E16202ADJim Adams 1A year or so ago I purchased a MTh Jim Adams Aux Water Tender. I didn't realize it only works with proto 3.0 engines and tenders that have an extra cable in the factory tender to plug into the Aux tender.

I've looked on MTh in the Manuals I could find and no  mention of an extra cable to connect to Aux tender. 

I primarily checked the Challenger and BigBoy  3.0 engines. Could not find a manual for 3.0 BigBoy.

Seems like there should be a list of compatible engines and tenders. Manuals for engines had no pictures only in Aux tender manual.




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  • Jim Adams 1
  • jim Adams 2
Last edited by Winger
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Question #2 for Techs. Gunrunner, GGG et al.

Would it be possible to tether from my ps 3 upgrade board the rear coupler and backup light to power the above tender?

Would running in parallel muck up the system resistances and damage the board, or is there enough current to power both?

Just had a thought using a dpdt  switch to cut  in auxiliary tender light and coupler while disengaging stock light and coupler.  I imagine would have to be done before power up.

Just entertaining thoughts. Looking at alternative to purchasing a 3.0 engine  which I don't know which ones have the proper tender with tether.



Last edited by Winger

For tenders this is made for, the aux tender harness is already inside the tender.  Check to see.  If not it can be added and you use a switch to select which coupler fires.  For the lights, they both come on.  Or, some engine do not have the switch, but instead the fwd coupler fires the aux tender.

As far as which model, you need to check.  Early Tenders where for PS-1 and have a PS-1 coupler and 1.5V bulb.  Later PS-2 have the PS-2 or 3 coupler and the 6V bulb.  The PS-3 have PS-2 or 3 coupler, but LED light.  G

Winger posted:

The Tender in question is a ps1 challenger that I just upgraded to PS3/2. So I will have to get a switch and tether cable.

GGG or GUNRUNNERJOHN ETAL. What are the color codes for the coupler and light? Which is positive and which is negative on each one?



Follow the wire diagram with the PS-32 book.  Since you upgrade it, you have it all in front of you.  Typically Purple is the positive voltage and Brown is coupler return, and green is reverse light return.  They come out of the 12 pin connector.  G

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