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Have been repainting several cabooses and painted over the existing logo ( see photo ) However I could still see a faint out line of the previous herald. On the next caboose I decided to try covering with auto primer first - that was a mistake - the primer was way too coarse and would need sanding.  So do I go to paint removal with brake fluid or what would you recomend ?  Looks to be printed on but was wondering if anyone else has tried to remove MTH paint.

Thanks Art


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MTh freightcar paint is easier to remove than the loco paint.  Scalecoat paint remover or EL Off works fine.


Are you removing all the paint or logo only.  Just curious, as I had a CR bay window caboose that I intended to redo for GBW.  At the time my employer/modeling mentor suggested he sand blast (he had a small one) the old logo off, and not strip the car.  After painting it the requsite yellow, I can still see the shadow from the logo.  Not happy with the results.  Not to mention no decals yet.  So the car is in presently in limbo.


The other thought is...  does MTH mold their cars in color?  If so, striping paint is fruitless, other than the logo.


Food for thought...

Yup, wipes the paint right off the roof of the Railking UP caboose all right.  Did it myself with a dampened with water cotton cloth ... crappy paint ... :-)
I'll be taping it and hitting it with a coat of Dullcote ...
Originally Posted by prrhorseshoecurve:

You can still remove the logo with a q tip and scalecoat paint remover. just use a damp q tip with the paint remover and rub slowly. HAve a paper towl handy for errant runs of the paint remover.

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