Now sure what else to call it other than lurching...
The F3 has 2 motors wired in parallel, when power is applied the rear motor starts before the motor in the front. The NW2 has the same setup and problem. Same can motors in both diesels from what I can see.
I was thinking about swapping the rear motor in the NW2 for the front motor in the F3, to see if it's nothing more than the 2 motors not being in sync with each other or simply made a bit differently.
At first I thought it was nothing more than the slop from the design of the truck plates that hold the trucks and the motor together, but when I turn the engines over in a cradle I can see the rear motor on each starts to turn before the front motor.
Anybody else experience this and what have you done or what are your thoughts?
Would wiring them in series solve the problem?