Hi Everyone,
Just thought I'd share the below video of my new MTH Premier NYC Niagra Streamlined Set.
It is absolutely incredible. I was shocked as to the size and weight of the Niagra Steamer, it's just a beast. In terms of the proverbial "bang for your buck," I really feel these MTH sets (both passenger and freight) are second to none.
Fast forward to about 1:20 in to start the action (unless of course, you'd fancy to hear my introduction):
Special thanks to the gents at Nassau Hobby for another fantastic purchase!
**9/24 Additional Video**
As requested by a few members, here is the Niagra flexing a little bit of muscle!! The smoke output is prodigious and I also really like MTH's firebox glow effect (the intensity of the flicker grows as the engine moves faster and faster, really neat effect!)