Hello, I have a Premier Allegheny 20-3017-1 that was running fine on my clubs layout, then it abruptly stopped with the steam idle sounds still going. I did not smell any burnt silicon (circuit board). I took the tender shell off and did not see any burnt components. I have a BCR and just used my MTH reset chip, heard the two dings indicating the board was reset. Put back the old chip and still will not "boot up", no two dings, just the steam idle sound, engine will not move, no F-N-R. If I use my Z-4000 to try and reset, it will not go into reset mode, or program mode to begin with. It's not stuck in neutral, I try and hold the whistle button/throttle down sequence and nothing, nada. The PS-1board just makes steam idle noise every time power is applied and that's it. Any ideas? Other than upgrade to PS-3 (no boards available), plus don't feel like investing $300.00 for a new board anyway...
Thanks for the advise