FYI. In case some of you may be thinking of using the MTH Wireless Drawbar Kit to close couple an engine and tender. Took about 15 minutes max to swap drawbars.
Below are BEFORE and AFTER pictures of closer coupling of my MTH scale wheeled PS3 Challenger UP3711 -- and a picture of the MTH 20-89020 PS3 6-Pin Wireless Drawbar Set. The factory installed drawbar was 40 mm in length. I decided to install the 30 mm one from the kit.
The engine will just negotiate 60 in radius curves in this configuration. Note that the engine hinged floor panel is "down" in the AFTER picture. With this coupling the hinged panel bumps the tender body and causes derailments. Next step will be to see how it does in this configuration on the 3 rail club layout to determine if I need to swap drawbars when I convert it back and forth from 3 to 2 rail operation at home and at the club 3 rail layout. Would like to stick with the shorter drawbar and shave off the hinged panel.