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Can some one answer or tell me. One the new mth railking water tenders they have the elctro coupler and tether conection on them. How do they hook up to operate with a railking imperial steamer? I am looking at a southern pacific gs4 imperial daylight ps3 with matching  water tender. But cant find out how the electro coupler on the water tender works. Thanks.

Last edited by Lionelzwl2012
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The early RailKing N&W and SP aux tenders had couplers that would work with Proto-Sound (PS1) by use of a tether that came out of the main tender and plugged into the aux tender.  The engine had a selector switch on the bottom of the tender to select the main tender coupler or aux tender coupler.  I had one of the SP tenders (exact model number shown above) and a friend of mine had the N&W which is why I know how they were equipped.  We had to convert our models to run with PS2 equipped engines (PS1 coupler swapped for PS2).  I believe the early RailKing UP aux tender (different mold) also had one if I remember correctly.  The later ones did not have the couplers.  I'm not sure about the N&W tenders from the most recent run of aux tenders.  If any of the earlier models were seen out there without the coupler, there is a good chance it was modified to remove it at some point as it was probably run with an engine that did not have PS1.

The tender above would need need the coupler changed out to work with PS3 (PS1 tender couplers don't fire reliably with PS2/PS3 because they require more voltage).  Also, the pin-out on the tender plug receptacle would need to be checked against the tether coming from the engine to make sure the wires matched up (i.e. coupler connections) and changed if it did not.  This is all supposing the Imperial engine has the aux tender tether installed in it from the factory.

Thanks bill the mth websight descripion on the ps3 imperial daylight engine does not mention an aux tender hook up on the tender. I just purchased the engine with the matching water tender off the bay. The seller bought it new this year. In the sellers photo the water tender looked like what you had. You could see the eletro coupler and teather connection. When I asked him about it he said you use the uncoupling track for the water tender. Not sure he understood what I was asking. Thanks for clearing this up for me. I only hope now that the engines tender has the ability at least to hook up this electro coupler without to much modification. Swaping out the electro coupler on the water tender seem the easy part of the job.


You're welcome.  I've never seen the aux tender tether listed as an actual feature on an engine (at least as far as I can recall).  I do believe the seller might have been confused and not realized what he had. 

I converted a Premier PS1 aux tender to work with a PS2 engine that had the tether in it.  While it was a little more involved since it was Premier (PS1 coupler swap for PS2 equivalent, lightbulb swap for PS2 equivalent, and traced out tether connection rewiring where necessary to ensure proper connection with tender tether), it worked great.  I'm actually getting ready to take a PS3 aux tender and convert it to work with a PS2 (replacing the LED with a PS2 lightbulb and checking to make sure the wiring is the same).

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