Ok, so the thought of having a plain jane MTH roatry was fine when I 1st got it, but after a while of looking at it I got to thinking this piece would lend itself to a fairly easy kitbash conversion to an older steam powered DRG or so type- which I like better anyway. Problem is I'd need decent line drawings to get even close...that or the TLAR approach...not the way I wanted this time.
Last week at the train show I got what I wanted- a narrow gauge gazette mag with a nicely drawn up multi-view of an RGS #2 rotary and in 1/4" scaled no less-Now we're ready!
So, lets' take measurements 1st to see what we're up against- Measurements are being done up in 1/48th scale via my scale ruler.
The MTH rotary comes in with these specs;
-body length @ 39' 6"
-body width @ 9' 6"
-body height @ 10'
The RGS #2 plans come in at these specs;
-body length @ 32' 6"
-body width @ 10'
-body height @ 11'
OK, so knowing the new roof will be totally different the new needed height is no problem since the old roof is getting tossed out...the new needed width of an added scale 6" means I can either skin over the current body for the new doors and windows or just leave it reworked and thinner than actual spec- what's 6" among friends on a semi scale kitbash{you can call that one on your build}. I will most likely re-skin the body after removing all window.hand rail, and anything that sticks out details.
Body length for the kitbash will need to be shortend...no problem and the last few feet of that will be for the correct tail end with the boiler backhead and side doors...this will yield a far better look than what MTH gave me "and" I'll add a tender after this is done, another thing MTH lacked- and I don't know why. Scronging around for some archbar trucks would add to the right look...if I can find a set I'll do it, otherwise "mine" might run on more modern trucks{for now}.
This kitbash will use the oem MTH rotary fan and drive even though it sits too high off the rails...for realtime use this will make things less troublesome clearance wise...some things have to give I guess.
Now for some pics of what I'm talking about-
"This" project was going to officially start after my decalling was done- but since I'm plagued by a rash of tiny bubbles that require many re-applications of solva-set...well....that can be on the back burner while I start this one!
As a side note- this kitbash is a semi-scale project...I will lend my twist on it, but you the readers can tweek as you wish along your building of one, I'm just giving you a show of how the basics are going to be done by me, and in my way{which we all know isn't for everyone since I have been known to paint things up in my favorite railroad that others find wrong to do...I get that...but this is "my" way....}follow along, comment on applications or ideas as you like!