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I just bought an MTH 30-2198-1 O Gauge MTA R21 Subway Set with Proto-Sound 2.0.  Looks great but it seems to be dead on arrival.  Lights in all cars work but the powered car makes no sounds either with track power or horn / bell (I'm using an MTH 4000 power supply).  Powered car does not move in either direction.  It came with a J&W Battery replacement.  Have also tested with a new MTH battery, still nothing.  Tried a Factory Reset from the manual, but - again - nothing...

Other engines work 100% on the same track.

Tried contacting vendor but so far, no response.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks!

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That engine is over 20 years old and has a PS2 5 volt electronics board, which is prone to failure.  I have two originally purchased sets and both engines had board failures more than 10 years ago, requiring the installation of new electronic boards. I’d return it to the seller or have him reimburse you for the installation cost of a 3/2 stacker board.

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