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I am having a hard time with a tether on a early MTH steam engine, it keeps coming loose from the engine. This engine has been ungraded with PS-2. I was thinking about maybe trying to strap it down to the frame where it leaves the tender to help with some of the extra movement of the tether. Any suggestions??




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Originally Posted by GGG:

Jeff,  Sometimes on a converted Engine the PCB on the back of the engine is set too far back and the plug doesn't fully engage when the shell is on. 


I found this on one of my engines. If you turn the engine over and can see a gap between the cab and the frame this would be the clue. The connector usually lines up with the frame but the cab prevents the tether from completing the connection. If thats the case just remove the connector screws and file the holes oblong so it touches the back of the cab.



Well, I think I shorted out the 10 pin PCB after all. Saw a little puff of smoke, re-adjusted the PCB board and to my surprise everything still works. I did try to make the 2 mounting holes on the PCB oblong to that it would stick out of the shell further, probably a big mistake. Of course the more I fiddled with it, two wires came un soldered, so figured it was time to stop for the night!! The problem appears that the female connector in the engine sits to far forward in the shell causing a loose connection with the male counterpart. Is it possible to forget about this PCB and find a 10 pin plug in wiring harness something kind of similar to the old Lionel MPC era steam engines to tender connection?





Yes, but the engine would need to be rewired.  You can stick a thin nylon washer under the head of the screws mounting the PCB when you tighten it down.


When I open the PCB hole I use a round file.  It opens easily but is also controllable.  I than use some JB weld to fill in the hole and let it harden.  This prevents the PCB from sliding back fwd when you press the tether in.   G

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