Very little run time. Put on track, powered up @12 volts-lights, then pop sound and silence. Any ideas what caused this? And how to repair?
Very little run time. Put on track, powered up @12 volts-lights, then pop sound and silence. Any ideas what caused this? And how to repair?
Replies sorted oldest to newest
That is the old PS-2 5V, board probably dead. Would need to be repaired with the PS-32 with 5V connectors. G
GGG, are the PS-32 boards w/the 5V connectors available?
Any chance it was the breaker on the transformer?
Thanks guys for the ideas. I will try your fixes. Am I sunk- or can I get a board replacement? Nobody near me is certified MTH repairman. I live in Salt Lake, Any idea on the parts cost? Another reason most of my collection is postwar-it runs.....
I guess no reply, means no boards.
Send GGG an his personals. Also, he's one of the best among our MTH repair gurus to be of help to you...IMHO and experience, of course! Ditto Gunrunnerjohn.
PS...Despair not! You will find the solution!
Thanks guys- got the lid off- now I know what what the "loud pop" was- pics enclosed... residue from the explosion was also on the inside of the body shell...never seen this or had happen on any of my other MTH pieces. The capacitor has the guts blown out like a firecracker...
Replace any white battery before adding power to an engine! That was your first mistake. I guess you hadn’t heard. Check all of your 5V engines! I don’t believe the 3V PS2 engines used those.
No PS-32 5V not available, mth has been out for a while. I have one available for repairs. G
I love the pictures with all the pill bitten in the background!!! Must of needed them to clam down!! Lol
The empty pill capsules have recently been stuffed with $100.00 worth of Lionel Postwar screws for fixing F-3's and other engines that I know that can run again. The contents before were to lower my blood pressure after attempting to work on the "maze" of fried "high tech". Simplicity is history ...what will happen if you can't get electronics? Parked/stranded on a siding for sure! I bought the sprayer "crippled" for $50.00 "after" my local train shop put it on the track for demo -and I asked to see it run. It "lit up" briefly, -and then the kiss of death- loud pop it was "lights out". New rolling stock is in that range so I figured the Weed Sprayer was definitely a buy- cosmetically brand new. So- cheer me on OK?
Good luck on getting a board!!
We are cheering you on! Go get em', knock em dead! Good luck with the board, and your fall back position is when you take solace in your PW collection and enjoy what you have, uninterrupted, hour after hour, they are real toys.
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