Music and model trains is a great combination. A few minutes ago, I was running trains on my layout listening to Willie Nelson's 16 Biggest Hits CD. Suddenly, I heard what I think is the greatest train song ever written. Any guesses what that song is?
Here's a hint: it was written by a man named Goodman.
I bet you still don't know what song it is. I won't torment you any more.
In my opinion, the best train song ever written is: City of New Orleans! Great catchy tune and great, interesting lyrics. Do yourself a favor and get a recording of it on I-Tunes or a CD and listen to it soon while running your favorite trains. I have recordings of it by John Denver (may he rest in peace) and Willie Nelson (still going strong and doing concerts well into his 80s). Anyone know of other great singers who have recorded it?
I would love to know what each of you thinks is the best train song and model train song ever written.
Now, here's another question. What do you think is the best model train song ever written?
Click here to hear the best model train song ever written:
I am a humble songwriter and model railroader and yet, without being at all arrogant, i can prove that the above model train song is the best of all time. Stay tuned to find out how I can prove that.