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My friend and famed model railroad artist, Harry Hieke, celebrated his 75th birthday yesterday with a bashing on that other forum – “Goodbye Harry Hieke” and the author drug me into the discussion.

I subsequently registered as a member of that other forum to respond to the thread, and just after I registered, I received the following email:


Thank you for joining the OGF forum.  We understand you have a strong business relationship with Harry Hieke.  We would ask that you not post to the current Harry Hieke thread, because it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Thanks

OGF Team”

First, exactly how am I “conflicted?” Because I pay Harry money for services rendered? The same services that the other forum wanted to buy?

Second, the thread mentioned me by name.

Here’s a summary of the situation from my perspective:

  • The Other Forum offered a custom painted ES44AC model from MTH Electric Trains for $482 plus, I assume, shipping. Twenty-two orders were placed. I assume they were all paid for upfront. That’s $10,604.00 prepaid, plus shipping.
  • The Other Forum offered Harry Hieke $2200 to decorate the engines. There was some initial issue getting the decals made because their logo is a copied shield from the Union Pacific and the UP’s lawyers weren’t happy about it, but I digress.
  • The ES44AC’s arrived at MTH when mine did, in August 2021
  • The other forum contacted Harry and wanted him to drive to MTH and pick them up and pay MTH for them. Harry was 74 years old. Then he would be reimbursed later. Harry said no.
  • I called MTH in late October and verified the engines were still there. I told them if they were stuck with them, I would take them and write MTH a check. MTH said they would contact the individual one more time and see if they could get paid.
  • The engines were shipped to Harry in early November.
  • The custom decals arrived from the supplier around Thanksgiving, and I saw them
  • MTH completely assembled the engines, including windows, so they had to each be masked in a complex way, and painted. Four separate masks, four separate paints.
  • The first week of January, Harry completed the first 8 engines and I saw them. They received rave reviews from the other forum, now deleted.
  • Two of the customers contacted Harry and asked him to paint their engines in a more prototypical scheme. They wanted to support the other forum, but didn't want that fantasy scheme. That took additional time, as new decals needed to be made and more masking and painting. .
  • By early February, there were 9 engines left to go. Harry was under constant pressure to complete the engines. Harry told the other forum that he would complete one a week until the were done. He was told that was unacceptable. So, Harry retuned the remaining engines and the remaining decals.
  • Nothing was ever said about December 2022 as the expected completion date.
  • Harry never received the $2200. He was short paid what he was owed for the units that were completed.
  • Obviously, if back in February, the other forum had agreed to one a week, they would be done by now
  • It's now June, and to my knowledge, none of the remaining 9 engines have been completed

Brother Ben later posted in the thread:

“I know Harry a long time and have purchased many items from him for myself and the club.  One thing Harry never did was deliver on time   You should have known that going into it. He did give you the option to finish them but that wasn’t good enough.  He is a one man operation that works in a dungeon of a workshop and is a man of his word.  It’s a disgrace how you blame him for having to spend more money to finish them when you had the option to just wait it out.  It’s a disgrace that there are threads here touting him as the master and accolades for him and a delay causes everybody to trash him”

Again, from Brother Ben:

“Sorry but this isn’t the only forum to answer unabridged. You are in a position of leadership here and I stand by comments that it is a disgrace that you trash a hard working custom builder in a public forum. The buck stops with you. You took the orders. It was up to you to assure your buyers and assuage any fears of non delivery. If you switched vendors it should have been transparent to buyers not that harry is a bum. You have a whole category devoted to harry where you give him accolades so you must have known his work schedules. Every custom builder and painter I have dealt with are tardy except one and she is starting to delay items now too. There is one that I threatened bodily harm to because of no delivery after payment. You shouldn’t customize trains if you aren’t prepared for delays”

I couldn’t agree more.

And then this hilarious reply from The Other Forum:

“Again, thank you for your reply. In this case, which is very seldom, we completely disagree and that is all right.

Happy you have the opportunity to express your opinion.”

And finally this:

“I think everyone has had an opportunity to have their say. Time to close up this shop.”

An opportunity I was denied.

Last edited by MrMuffin'sTrains
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Thank you Steve for clarifying about Harry!  I knew there was more to it than was presented on that forum.  I regret ever joining that forum.  After not logging in for months, I was contacted by a former member of that forum about Harry, and logged in.  It isn’t just the Harry issue.  I was going to comment with Ben, but couldn’t say more than Ben did.   I asked for answers on another hot topic there.  The thread was locked shortly after.  I am not logging in there again.  

Yeah, I saw the thread that Brian Vaill (PTC) posted and was ashamed of it.  I am a member of the "OGF" (the other forum of which Steve refers to in his post above) and I frankly am tired of all of the bashing that is going on and down right untruths!  Mr. Vaill:  you are correct as far as a statement you just made in your "clearing the air" post and that is folks are finally figuring out the "real" you.  Double talk all the time and manipulating others into trusting you and then you freely bash them openly in very personal ways knowing full well that you are not telling the entire story.  Heck...most of the folks that joined your forum early are gone now because they figured out your real agenda and that is to do your best to damage the reputation of others that cross you.  We have all seen how you have done this in both the way you conduct yourself on your OGF site as well as when you were on MTF and this site.  Every chance you get you drag OGR, MTF, and certain folks in particular that you deem your "enemies".  I have to say from what I have seen, OGR through their policies for the most part always take the high road and don't allow personal attacks although sometimes a thread will get started and it is usually found out (just like this thread will be) and it is taken down.

The kind of crap that you brought to MTF along with your disciples and now how many of you (not all of you) conduct yourselves on OGF does nothing but bring conflict and division in what should be a fun hobby where we can enjoy ourselves and each other.  Rather than moving on when you have a disagreement with someone, you jump at any and every opportunity to constantly post negative and personal comments as you see fit and then at the same time you warn folks like Mr. Muffin not to post the other side of the story.  You just want your gang to hear your side.

There is more to you Mr. Vaill than meets the eye and it may be time to find out what it is.

Steve, I had no clue as to the whereabouts of several long gone OGR members until this thread. Very interesting. Misery loves company. Harry is better off having hit the eject button.

I’ve been meaning to send him a custom paint project. This has motivated me to pull it to the top of my to-do list.

You’ll be happy with the results, just a little bit of a wait.

I requested to be removed and low and behold I'm named star of the week about two months later, and of course, I was not deleted. I'm tired of the two-sided management. Funny it took about a year for them to get enough nerve to cancel a kid but some adults were harassed to the point of quitting and they did remove them.

P.S. I looked it up, 4 April was when I sent the request. LOL almost 2 months to the day.

Last edited by rtraincollector

This was the first time I had heard about OGF so I decided to lurk a little bit there.  At first I was thinking, Cool, a new forum for me to attend.  After about 15 minutes of reading posts I definitely feel the moderator has a seniority complex.  He seems to edit (delete) posts that do not meet his agenda.  Total hypocrite.

I noticed a few members here post on that forum.   If you agree to posting under his rules, I pity you.

Last edited by Frank Mulligan


I have no stake in this issue, but I would like to comment on Ben’s and your responses.

While I have never dealt with Mr. Hieke, I have seen some of the weathering jobs he has done for you  and Lionel - very detailed and realistic (just not my cup of tea… all my engines look like they just left the factory). On the other hand, I have dealt with your store on a number of occasions and have always found you to be honest, fair, and an admirable businessman. Among other things, I admire how you seem to have hooked up with a few other dealers (Stockyard Express and Public Delivery Track for two), in effect, sharing customers and special runs - that is great for the hobby.

I have met Ben on a couple of visits to the NJ HiRailers. A stand up individual and a great host and I must admire his defense of Mr. Hieke.

With all the things going on in the hobby these days (not to mention the world), I prefer to deal with people (and forums!!!) who I can honestly say I admire. Keep up the good work

Uhmm....interesting thread.  I have had quite a few of you contact me via email and phone this afternoon and evening and with some really eye opening screenshots from OGF.  Some of the principals on that forum are ex-members of this forum for a variety of reasons including but not limited to being banned from OGR.  I decided to join OGF and went through the process with a user name and password.  I set up a special gmail account for that forum and received an activation code which I followed and then I received another email notifying me that my account was activated successfully!  Seemed I had been approved!  Interestingly, I received in the wee hours of this morning another email from the "OGF Team" asking me to tell them what kind of trains I like to operate/model and also asked if I had been a member of OGF before.  I honestly responded and then sent a followup indicating that I am aware that they know who I am and suspected that I would not be approved by Brian..and I would let other forum members know this.  So ... for a short period of time I had an "activated" account but apparently someone decided that a little more info was needed thus the questions.  Needless to say, when I try to login, I get the message "this account is awaiting approval by forum staff". I hope I get approved since it says that all folks are welcome and I certainly would abide by their TOS.

Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER

Prior to reading this thread, I knew nothing about the other forums mentioned. However, after reading it, my thought is that we are fortunate to have the OGR Forum and its ethical management and operation. Sometimes we don't sufficiently appreciate the good things that we have. I have spent a lot of time on the OGR Forum since 2016. It is a simple pleasure that I enjoy every day. I would be very unhappy without it.


I am sure Michelangelo had a few rough times meeting a deadline,  but at least there was not social media back in the 1400's to get dumped on by the mob .  Harry is an artist and a legend, and deserves better.   

I like the fact that OGR is a safe place,  with many members freely offering advice and help that makes this hobby so enjoyable.  We need more of that in this world. 

Believe me Bill @CBQ_Bill, Frank Frank Mulligan, Paul Apples55, you don't want to join.  I was warned, and he knows who he is , so I have no one to blame but myself for joining in January of last year.  I was invited to join by a friend, who was highly regarded there, but was burnt recently and supposedly left on his own accord.  I haven't been able to contact him yet for any details.  But back a year and a half ago, I was giving them the benefit of the doubt, like I try to do here.  I also contributed content and some money, which was asked for but never coerced, thinking I could help with expenses of a new forum.  At first, things seemed okay.  However, I did not like the occasional OGR bashing, by folks who apparently couldn't abide by the OGR rules.  It reached a head last fall, and I seldom looked at it since even as a lurker.  Today another friend who cancelled his OGF membership a while back, and has had a lot of work done by Harry, texted me to look at the Harry Heike thread.  I finally logged in to make a comment asking for some answers about another questionable topic, not the Harry one.  The thread was locked without any answers. 

Alan, I hope your membership is accepted.  I've told a couple people I don't plan to log in to OGF again, and maybe tomorrow I will look into cancelling my account.  Since my account name is the same as my name here, it is probably good to not have my name associated with them any more.

Mel, you are so right.  OGR is a real asset to our hobby.  I have been here exactly 10 years this month, and would have had much more trouble transitioning from HO to O gauge if it weren't for the great folks here.  Thank you Alan, the whole staff, and the members!

I thought that some of the "bickering", among other things, get to be too much. But, after what  @OGR CEO-PUBLISHER just mentioned, makes me happy that I've never felt confined by forum rules when attempting to make a response.

As to Mr. Hieke, I think he does great work. Love how he has teamed up with companies like Lionel and I believe Weaver back in the day, as well as now with a store/retailer like Mr. Muffins, forgive me if I failed to list something prominent as I do not know if Mr. Hieke has weathered for other companies or stores.

Once trust is built and reciprocated between myself and another person in this hobby, when entering into an agreement among a myriad of things such as a preorder, repair, warranty repair, transferring payment or product before receiving the other, etc... I always try to be cognitive of things that may throw a wrench in the gears. Age, family commitments, time of year, health, distance, etc... Lord only knows how many times I've had to back burner things in my life because life happens and cause changes in priorities such as spending on certain things, side jobs that don't constitute the majority of income, or others depending on the situation. For both parties to communicate in those situations is crucial.

Unfortunately, none of the above really seems to matter here except to serve as an example of the opposite of what happened with OGF and Mr. Hieke.

I have no reason to doubt @MrMuffin'sTrains or the facts that have been posted, so I assume:

Classic case of passing the buck by a person who communicates poorly- IMO . I don't know the specifics, i.e. was there a date promised to the customers? but guess is the forum moderator fielded questions from customers and "informed them",  Mr. Hieke would likely only be in contact with the buyers wanting something customized. Anyway, OGF mod, in communicating with the buyers, most likely exaggerated or blindly promised regarding the time all units would be finished. If he thought customizing would start in August but it didn't until Thanksgiving, obviously somewhere along the way he should've said there was a delay, but maybe he didn't or maybe he didn't check in with Harry for 3 months? What did he tell his customers at those times?

Thank you to Mr. Muffin for the other side of the story.  I'm glad Harry's side got told. It was needed to be said but I suspect your welcome thread is short lived.

I would caution this forum though that it's policy has always been not to discuss other forums and their policies.  I think it has served this forum very well even though this forum has been a sore subject on others forums for some.  I think Alan and the staff have shown some pretty good restraint on rarely commenting when they are the subject of some negative comments.  I have avoided these types of threads and discouraged these types of threads on other forums I belong or belonged to.  It doesn't do much except to create a back and forth rhetoric  that really doesn't make our hobby look good.

Again I think Steve posting needed to be done to get the other side of the story but I encourage our membership not to fall into the all too common trap of complaining about other forums and their business.  It's really not worth the time.  I think most people who are on a forum can see the agenda whether is train talk, trash talk, or what have you.  Take the advice of others experience but I would say that needs to be done off line.

Just my 2 cents.

Last edited by MartyE
@MartyE posted:

Thank you to Mr. Muffin for the other side of the story.  I'm glad Harry's side got told. It was needed to be said but I suspect your welcome thread is short lived.

I would caution this forum though that it's policy has always been not to discuss other forums and their policies.  I think it has served this forum very well even though this forum has been a sore subject on others forums for some.  I think Alan and the staff have shown some pretty good restraint on rarely commenting when they are the subject of some negative comments.  I have avoided these types of threads and discouraged these types of threads on other forums I belong or belonged to.  It doesn't do much except to create a back and forth rhetoric  that really doesn't make our hobby look good.

Again I think Steve posting needed to be done to get the other side of the story but I encourage our membership not to fall into the all too common trap of complaining about other forums and their business.  It's really not worth the time.  I think most people who are on a forum can see the agenda whether is train talk, trash talk, or what have you.  Take the advice of others experience but I would say that needs to be done off line.

Just my 2 cents.

Marty ... I don't disagree with you as far as our general policy of not discussing other forums and what is going on within their ranks.  HOWEVER, the sheer volume of emails that we received and links to the thread on OGF as well as quite a few phone calls led to the decision to allow Steve to post "the rest of the story" here since he was not allowed to do so by the "OGF Team".  Since OGF and its "team" decided to have product produced for its "customers/members", we see them like any other manufacturer/provider therefore, just like the numerous threads that get posted here on OGR concerning problems with product from the various manufacturers and because of the history of how the "team" conducts itself which negatively affects others in the hobby, I believe in this case, this thread is appropriate.  I will let it stay open a little while longer and then likely close it.

Marty ... I don't disagree with you as far as our general policy of not discussing other forums and what is going on within their ranks.  HOWEVER, the sheer volume of emails that we received and links to the thread on OGF as well as quite a few phone calls led to the decision to allow Steve to post "the rest of the story" here since he was not allowed to do so by the "OGF Team".  Since OGF and its "team" decided to have product produced for its "customers/members", we see them like any other manufacturer/provider therefore, just like the numerous threads that get posted here on OGR concerning problems with product from the various manufacturers and because of the history of how the "team" conducts itself which negatively affects others in the hobby, I believe in this case, this thread is appropriate.  I will let it stay open a little while longer and then likely close it.

Alan don't get me wrong I 100% agree with letting Steve post the rest of the story given Harry didn't get his voice heard.  I just really think OGR's policy works well and other than needing to have these few posts to get that story I am glad OGR has this policy.

Thanks Alan for letting Steve give us the flip side.

Last edited by MartyE

I saw this last night and really thought I was overtired. I didn't realize it was another forum that was being discussed. Regardless, my behind stocks with this forum. Yes I do pop on FB groups, but those are not this forum like this other forum isn't. I'll re-read and thanks to Steve for bringing this up. If Harry is 75 and still doing what he loves to do, God bless him. I hope I get there as well.

Good to have a free and open discussion.  No forum is without its quirks and customs.  Whoever owns the forum sets the rules .  That's the way it is in our society.  Freedom of speech is only guaranteed in that  the government cannot dictate the rules.  Private enterprises can and should do so.  No company wants people undermining their business or enterprise.  The OGF prides itself and advertises itself as open to all civil discussion.  This is clearly not true, so take what is written with a grain of salt.

There is another forum? I had no idea but by the looks of it I'll continue to occasionally post here and be happy.

I used Harry one time and was very happy with the results. Harry custom painted and weathered my Lionel Legacy K4. See the results in the picture. I would recommend Harry based off my experience.


Images (1)
  • K4 Custom Painted: Harry Hieke custom painted K4
Last edited by Jeremy

As others have mentioned, I never heard of this place until I read this thread. In fact, I read through it twice to make sure I was getting everything straight.

Took a quick visit to "OGF." It took me all of five minutes to see all I needed to see (especially avatars of some former members here  ).

Two words: HARD PASS.

Last edited by johnstrains

Uhmm....interesting thread.  I have had quite a few of you contact me via email and phone this afternoon and evening and with some really eye opening screenshots from OGF.  Some of the principals on that forum are ex-members of this forum for a variety of reasons including but not limited to being banned from OGR.  I decided to join OGF and went through the process with a user name and password.  I set up a special gmail account for that forum and received an activation code which I followed and then I received another email notifying me that my account was activated successfully!  Seemed I had been approved!  Interestingly, I received in the wee hours of this morning another email from the "OGF Team" asking me to tell them what kind of trains I like to operate/model and also asked if I had been a member of OGF before.  I honestly responded and then sent a followup indicating that I am aware that they know who I am and suspected that I would not be approved by Brian..and I would let other forum members know this.  So ... for a short period of time I had an "activated" account but apparently someone decided that a little more info was needed thus the questions.  Needless to say, when I try to login, I get the message "this account is awaiting approval by forum staff". I hope I get approved since it says that all folks are welcome and I certainly would abide by their TOS.

You had better luck than me.  There was a thread there trashing me, actually several.  I attempted to join, but I was rejected.  Since I never posted, it was clearly not for violating their terms of service, I never had the chance to violate them.   FWIW, that clearly indicates the "all folks are welcome" is a fantasy.  They also say they they invite dissenting opinions, another fiction.  No loss, I don't want to be associated with a place like that anyway!


  Yes I was part of the OGF until recently being banned there.  I have done a weekly thread called Whistle Stop Wednesday Videos, of a quick review of engines that I own and have some fun narrating it.  I was banned telling the truth in which the management could not own up to.  It was always someone else’s fault.  This is suppose to be a fun hobby and there is not suppose to be drama in toy trains.  I believe this is a brotherhood of people to enjoy this hobby and try are best to keep it alive and well. No DRAMA just fun and if we can help someone enjoy and learn from doing it themselves we are in a better place.  

PS, Wondering if I can post my Whistle Stop Wednesday Videos, here at OGR?

I hope I get approved since it says that all folks are welcome and I certainly would abide by their TOS.

Gee, maybe I should sign-up, too!

On second thought. . . nope, I'm sure I would be denied. Takes a while for folks unfamiliar with the "history" to catch-on, and that is totally understandable, but I think that most eventually do.

Last edited by Allan Miller
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