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Did 3rd Rail have different production runs of their N&W Y6b?

If so, were there mechanical or electrical/control differences between the different runs?

Is there any consensus as to which ... the Lionel Legacy or the 3rd Rail .... is the better runner?  Which one would run more smoothly, run more slowly, and sound better ... on my Lionel Legacy system?

Is 3rd Rail's only advantage .... more prototypical detailing?

Thanks, Matt

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Matt01 posted:

Did 3rd Rail have different production runs of their N&W Y6b?

No. However they did produce/offer Y6a as well as Y6b models.

If so, were there mechanical or electrical/control differences between the different runs?

No. All Sunset/3rd Rail models (steam, diesel, or electric) come with ERR Cruise Commander TMCC control.

Is there any consensus as to which ... the Lionel Legacy or the 3rd Rail .... is the better runner?  Which one would run more smoothly, run more slowly, and sound better ... on my Lionel Legacy system?

Just my opinion but, since the Sunset/3rd Rail models have that "exclusive" cog-belt drive design, I have found that ALL of my 18 or so brass steam locomotives operate smoother than any of my Lionel or MTH steam models.

Is 3rd Rail's only advantage .... more prototypical detailing?

Yes, and also they tend to have the fully rounded boiler, not to mention NO "cast-in" details.

Thanks, Matt


Third Rail will have the edge detail wise, the legacy version appears to have an even slower start speed and sound and smoke are superior

FWIW, the legacy y6 is the previous JLC tooling so its one of Lionels better efforts as far as detail.  

Thanks to folks on this forum. Lionel made an extra effort in the chuff department. The chuff mimics the protypical change from simple to compound mode at speed.

You'll reap the benefits of your remote with Lionels version.

Heres videos so you can ultimately decide for yourself.

Heres Eric Siegels review of the legacy y6, go to 19:08 for the action:

Heres member pennsy484's video of the 3rd rail version for comparison.

Last edited by RickO

I have two Lionel Y6b locomotives. The TMCC version runs very slowly. The Legacy version runs so smoothly it is difficult to imagine any Y6b running more smoothly. I suspect the folks who think the 3rd Rail version runs more smoothly never saw a Lionel Legacy Y6b running. If you want the higher level of detail, that is a completely separate discussion. No one said anything about sound or whistle steam either. The Legacy sound will blow you away. No contest. If you like whistle steam, Lionel is the only manufacturer.

I have five or six 3rd Rail locos. They run smoothly but not as smoothly as Lionel Legacy.


3rd Rail fan here. I bought a JLC Y6b and felt no desire for the 3rd rail version, even with its "superior" detailing. I don't hold much stock in the often heard complaints about fragility of brass models (I have a bunch). But, the Y6b is a hefty and "floppy " model and I think I feel safer handling the JLC version. Mine runs like a watch and the sound is marvelous (I don't .ever. use smoke).

Is it my imagination, or does the new Legacy version Y6b not transition from simple to compound?  The old JLC loco did this, but was wired in the compound started and then switched to simple !   The new whistle is awesome, perhaps even better than the JLC, but appears to lack the high pitched "skinner" effect, which randomly appeared in the old one.  The JLC had better cab chatter, and more importantly, the correct lettering font and color.  The Legacy uses the 1960 Diesel markings !

The Legacy Y6B is awesome! Sound...simple to compound, chuff rate and depth, Hooter steam whistle, FANTASTIC! Smoke volume, great. Can't say enough. Lionel hit it out of the park!!! Loved it so much I sold my JLC Y6B so I could justify a second Legacy model to double head. Since it's clear NO ONE WILL EVER mass produce an accurate, affordable CF Caboose, I broke down and bought a Division Point brass model and couldn't be happier. To invest that much for the loco's and not have an accurate CF caboose, was a no brainer.

AlanRail posted:

I just picked up the Legacy version at York. Actually I paid for it as well.

I have 3rd rail engines as well. Both 3rd Rail and LNL are finely detailed, but only one has an IR sensor.

Yes, and that darned IR sensor on the drawbar arrangement means, it is VERY difficult to close couple the tender to the engine.

If WiFi control is ever in your thoughts, as it was in mine, I went for the Lionel Legacy.


gunrunnerjohn posted:

Actually Hot Water, I think he's talking about the LCS transmitter on the tender.

It's also no big deal to shorten the drawbar if you want to with a Lionel IR tether.

Have you actually tried it? I have, on a number of Lionel steam locomotive models and it requires removing the darned infrared thing, cutting the steel drawbar, then soldering it back together after removing at least an 1/8", and reinstalling that darned infrared thing.


There is no correct answer to Your Good Question....Lionel has a Super Great Legacy Command System, a Super Nice Feature Rich Y6B.... 3Rd Rail, and I Commend This Manufacturer to the Highest Degree of Excellence, brings to Our Hobby, Scale Detail, A Beautifully Assembled Product that is Jaw Dropping Georgous.....Yes, I like the Legacy System very much, but, if I were starting over again in the Hobby, I would incorporate 3Rd Rail Products on my layout. Therefore, I would give each of the manufacturers an A+ for there hard work in trying to Satisfy our Heavy Steam Locomotive Appetites!!!! Great Question, Thanks for Posting....Merry Christmas....


Thanks for all the information everyone .... it's appreciated.

Though this engine is a gift for a man from a "N & W family," and it may be displayed in his home at times, he will be playing with it at my house .... and he loves playing with trains.   So, I'm going to go with the Legacy for the operational/fun aspects.

Its a birthday gift for my father-in-law from his children. Luckily he had 6 kids, so my wife and I "only" have to find about $260 in the family budget for it. Lol. I was kinda surprised to see so many of these engines still available for sale.

I just traded someone for 10 used Atlas N&W hoppers (the short ones), and I have that big, red Atlas caboose that is in Eric's video on order.

It should be a happy, surprise birthday for him.


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