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Hi all, I just got a new MTH Z4000 to run my subway loops. I was wondering if someone could give me a walking tour of the Z4000 and maybe a link to the manual. I found the power switch on the lower right. My questions are:

There are four sets of power connections on the back are the ones on top the hot and the lower ones the U (ground), or is the other way around?

On the face of the unit there are eight buttons with a top row of four and a lower row of four. Which ones pertain to which throttle and can anyone tell me what each button is for example which ones are direction which ones are bell, whistle, etc? What I need to know are what are the button labels and which one is which.

Thanks in advance



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ChooChoo1972, I hope your post is not a prank so I will spend some time addressing it. Look at the front of your Z4000 and imagine a vertical line right down the middle. Now you do not have 2 rows of 4 buttons but rather you have a left side and a right side. Each side has a handle to adjust output voltage, a volt meter and an ammeter to show voltage and current on each side respectively and a group of 4 buttons -- each clearly labeled as to function. Now look at the back. The black connections are considered common and in fact are all common in that a connection to any one of them will complete the circuit for all of the 4 outputs. You have a clearly marked output on the left side that corresponds with that handle and one on the right side that corresponds with that that handle. The two outputs in the center are fixed and are clearly marked as to the voltage available on them for control of layout needs such as accessories or lights. You will also note two tiny circuit breakers on the back side which are also clearly labeled and are for the two fixed outputs just mentioned.


Now go to this link:


and download the manual. Save it to your computer and print it if you wish.


These are great power units but have some caveats as do all things trains and non trains. I use 4 on my layout and usually have a new one on the shelf for sale or spare.


Have fun.

Sorry forgot to mention that I am totally blind and the MTH web site is completely inaccessible with a screen reader. In my JAWS for Windows, but it matters not as that MTH site doesn't work with any screen reader. And, yes I have sent email to MTH, without response about the inaccessibility of their web site. I have also inquired about the inaccessibility of their DCS controller with equally no response. At least Lionel offers the CAB 1 (without the need for an LCD) whereas MTH offers no such solution.
Originally Posted by Moonman:

C'mon ChooChoo1972,

You were able to join and get on this forum, so, you have some internet skills.> select Product Locator>type Z-4000 in the product search box>tap enter>scroll down to the product that you have>40-4000> select the Product number>select the manual icon from the product page.


Now you can find any MTH product information.


Hi Bill, thank you for the reply. No prank at all, I really did purchase a new z4000. Although I am certain that the website, .pdf, and markings on the transformer are more then adequate, the issue here is that I am totally blind and can't see the markings. What I need to know is the top row of screw terminals hot and the bottom row common of vice versa. The second thing I need to know is what button is label as what. I clearly understand from you previous post that the buttons on the front are seperated left and right (corresponding to each throttle lever), thanks for that. The only thing I need to know about those buttons now is which one is labeled as what.
thanks for the help
Originally Posted by LocoMods:

ChooChoo1972, I hope your post is not a prank so I will spend some time addressing it. Look at the front of your Z4000 and imagine a vertical line right down the middle. Now you do not have 2 rows of 4 buttons but rather you have a left side and a right side. Each side has a handle to adjust output voltage, a volt meter and an ammeter to show voltage and current on each side respectively and a group of 4 buttons -- each clearly labeled as to function. Now look at the back. The black connections are considered common and in fact are all common in that a connection to any one of them will complete the circuit for all of the 4 outputs. You have a clearly marked output on the left side that corresponds with that handle and one on the right side that corresponds with that that handle. The two outputs in the center are fixed and are clearly marked as to the voltage available on them for control of layout needs such as accessories or lights. You will also note two tiny circuit breakers on the back side which are also clearly labeled and are for the two fixed outputs just mentioned.


Now go to this link:


and download the manual. Save it to your computer and print it if you wish.


These are great power units but have some caveats as do all things trains and non trains. I use 4 on my layout and usually have a new one on the shelf for sale or spare.


Have fun.




To contact MTH, always use the phone. Don't think I have ever gotten a reply to an email I sent them. However, I have had very good service each time I have called them.


I don't have a Z-4000, but if your screen reader will read PDF files, I would be happy to download the manual and try to email it to you. (Although email might be difficult if the file is large.)


Thanks to all on this thread that have helped me out. I got the .pdf of the manual from the link in this thread. I figured out that the black (common) terminals are the top row and the bottom are the red "hot" terminals. I couldn't determine which buttons were the program, horn, bell and direction as the there is no description in the manual just a diagram that does me no good. Other then that I'm figuring it out. Bill I will catch up with you tomorrow evening, thanks for the offer to help.
Originally Posted by LocoMods:

Frank, tomorrow evening is fine. I am in central time zone and if you phone me between about 5 PM and 8 PM my time, that will be fine. That would be 6 PM through 9 PM eastern time.


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