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Dear Forum Members,

Daily on this Forum we see questions again and again concerning the right transformer to use with a given product.  Sometimes the answers are comprehensive but more times than not they are incomplete or in disagreement with another response to the same question.  

Actually I believe someone or someone's who honestly understand this subject should put together a comprehensive thesis on this subject.  I suspect the vast majority of train operator's, like myself, do not fully understand the many nuances of subject.   

The document needs to be non-biased towards one operating system or transformer manufacturer.   I believe there is a market for such a document and I'd be willing to purchase one if it were comprehensive.   The subject of chopped wave vs full wave also needs to be covered fully as this is a subject of much concern depending on what you are running. 

It would need to cover both prewar, postwar and modern trains.  

From what I can see, there are an unending series of questions from operators who run a mixed bag of trains on their layout from both major train manufacturers i.e. Conventional AC, TMCC, DCS, Legacy, PS-1 thru 3 etc that could use some help in identifying the what transformer(s) and control devices they may need to best handle their individual situation.

As an example, not long ago on the Forum, there was a question concerning PS-1 products.  From what I gathered, early PS-1's were different than later PS-1's and thus had different operating needs.

I would love to see a matrix whereby I could select the transformer/control system in question and look down a column or across a row and find which trains it was best suited for.

What are your thoughts?


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I think this is unlikely to happen.  Almost all locos work with all transformers in conventional mode. The exceptions tend to be MTH products, particularly PS1, which have some peculiarities.  It's not that complicated, actually, except for PS1, which is perhaps one of the quirkier control/sound systems.  PS2 and PS3 are less susceptible to these quirks in conventional mode.


In command mode, you need TMCC or Legacy for Lionel TMCC/Legacy locos, LionChief for LionChief locos, and DCS for PS2 or PS3.  LionChief locos will not operate in conventional mode.

Last edited by Landsteiner

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