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I have a lot of MTH engines both premier and railking.  Recently, I have had it happen on multiple occasions that after adding 20 drops to the smoke stack of a new engine, the smoke unit initially produces great smoke volume but then stops producing any smoke at all.  I have tried blowing gently to break up any vapor/liquid block but to no avail.  The heating element and fan both continue to operate.  Sometimes when using a plastic flexible eye dropper to clear the stack there is a small wisp of smoke produced…..

Just wondering if this is an overfill issue or what else might be going on.  I am careful not to exceed the 20 drops….


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20 drops of fluid really isn't as much as you might think. Especially on a new engine with dry wicking. It also takes time for new wicking to absorb the fluid, it tends to sit on the top at first.

At best, 20 drops is only good for a few minutes of operation, especially if you have the smoke on the high setting.

So after adding more smoke fluid with no result I decided to remove the body so that I could inspect the smoke unit.  While the wick was damp, there was no fluid in the bottom of the reservoir.  I had added 20 initially and then another 20-30 subsequently.......  I did turn the engine over a couple of times to see where the body screws were etc... so it's certainly possible that fluid had fallen out of the reservoir at some point.

I added a good 45 or so drops directly into the reservoir and replaced the body and now she's smokin' like a son of a gun..... so both Rick and Gunner John were right on the money with their diagnostics....

MTHs instructions in this regard (add 15-20 drops to a new engine) are not really helpful  and could potentially cause burnt wicks due to operators being overly neurotic about flooding the smoke unit and the engine and risking damage to electronics....

Maybe 60-70 drops is too much but 40-50 doesn't seem to be and 20 risks another set of issues or problems........


Any new locomotive I have I add 10 to 20 drops and let it sit for 10 minutes or so. I add another 10 drops after that and let it sit for another 10 minutes. I then add 10 more and run it. You have to get that batting material soaked with alot of fluid. The recommended 15 to 20 drops is just not enough in a fan driven smoke unit that is new or dried out over time. Once you have a nicely saturated wick the 15 to 20 drops works. If your train has been sitting a while it's time to start the process over. This has worked for me great so far.


So I guess the only wrinkle that occurred to me last night was that the particular engine is a RailKing RS1.  The smoke unit is not directly under the stack so there is a shunt or conduit that runs under the top of the shell from the bottom of the smoke stack to the smoke unit.  I'm just wondering how at all this might impact or affect the way that you should add smoke fluid to the unit since you can't get straight down to the reservoir even with a needle point applicator.  It would seem to me that the shunt makes it more likely that smoke fluid could wind up causing a vapor lock since it runs more horizontally from the stack to the smoke unit albeit at an angle.  I'm just wondering if this was part of the problem since I have many PS2 & PS3 engines and have not had this kind of trouble previously.......

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