I'm building a small layout for me and the kids, problem is that I only have enough space for a 4x8. Here is what I have come up with so far, please let me know of any tips. I'm am new to this and working on a budget ... Here is a pic. Thanks
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The word is "FUN" It's your layout enjoy it, trains were made to enjoy
Mike P
Keep the progress pics acoming.
The two levels on a small layout looks interesting.
I'd be interested in your ideas.
I will be soon upgrading my small 38" by 73" layout, to a 46" by 76" layout with FasTrack. I'm looking for ideas.
a few more pics, put some track down.
What kind of board (material) is your track laid on?
Is it a better sound deadener than plywood?
It's 1in poly shield foam. I think it's much less loud them it was on the straight ply wood and it was only 10 dollars at my local hardware store.
Hi there,
From what I can tell, it looks like you'll have a single loop with a spur on the lower part of the layout. Trains that run in one direction can become boring after a while. Here is a possible track plan you could tinker with to help change things up. This will allow you to run two trains on the lower level simultaneously and to change the direction of either one.
Support for the upper layout can be built utilizing L-Girder or similar support system.
Hope this helps.
That foam does minimal to dampen noise. Look around for a place that does truck campers, maybe even Pep boys for some foam tape 1/4" thick by a variety of widths. place that under the track on top of the foam. Lionel's Fastrack is notorious for amplifying sound.
I just received my RRtTrack software and have truly enjoyed creating various designs.
I highly recommend for creating feasible layouts without buying more track than you need.
Homasote is an excellent sound deadener. That's its purpose in life. Unfortunately it does not have much structural strength and needs to be supported as it will sag over a period of time.
On another forum I belonged to members were using outdoor carpet, both in strips and covering the entire table top to deaden sound from Fastrack. It is very thin about 1/4" and comes in several colors. Just check you local home center, you may be able to get salvage pieces.
It can be glued down just make sure you have a latex based glue.