Thank you, Mike!
Yes, the 'corners' made on the inside of the curved street and the layout edge make for difficult spots to put in buildings. Of course I could scratch build or kit bash triangular buildings or half buildings, but I don't like the idea. I think the playground and flagpole look better on the left across from the church than on the right. I tried them on the right, but didn't like it. Since I don't have room to have on street parking, a place for parking a few of my excess of cars and trucks seem a good idea.
You are right about there not being much room for houses in the last photograph. Here is an overhead shot to prove your point.
I have not known what I would do with that area and just left it while concentrating on other things. Up until now, I have been parking cars and trucks in the cubby holes under the upper level. Reconfiguring the track from a twice around over and under to the upper and lower loops shows how I don't need the upper level roadbed to be as wide as I did before. I could gain about 2 inches in depth by removing a few supports and narrowing the roadbed. Time will tell if I think it is worth it. I'm not particularly attached to any of the houses or the Plasticville church, so I may do something totally different. In the meantime, it is a place to store buildings instead of automobiles.