Here's a couple of oldies...
I'd like to see Woodland Scenics release more figures sets in O gauge...and even create new masters for release into all the scales. At a trade show many moons and calving glaciers ago I was told by a WS rep that all of the figurine masters were created by artisan(s) in large scale. Then, depending upon the market (read: "Show me the money!!"), they used something like Professor Wayne Szalinski's shrinking device (?) to create tooling for the appropriate scale(s). OK. But that was umpteen years ago. Where's something gnu???
I'd like to see Bachmann release a new O/S Plasticville structure...or two...into that tired () old product line. Knowing that the cost of new tooling is prohibitive for some manufacturers for, say, a new 2-4-6-8 articulated or an FPSD99ACE diesel, one would think that the simplified nature of a snap-together Plasticville structure, a line that has proven market durability of, say, 75 a variety of colors...would be something to excite the aging demographics, give the younger generation something to talk about 50 years from now ('Where were you when Bachmann released the first new structure kit in their O/S product line for the past 50+ years??') the 'first kid on the block' to commercialize battery-powered O gauge...O2R and/or O3R...DCC+sound equipped/compatible with remote control. A starter set, maybe. Break the ice. Probably use existing structural tooling (mfr A) and proven power/controls technology (mfr B) in a joint effort.
Release more products...especially new kit form. I know, I know....but my forehead is well-caloused.....beating it on a wall is part of my daily routine at home....behind closed doors....lacking a brick to hurl at the TV...MESHUGAS!!
Until then...