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I just got an 0 Scale Lionel Fastrack set for Christmas. I am having trouble figuring out a layout other than a simple oval. I want something to fit on a 4'x8' surface. I'd like to see some layout suggestions along with a parts list. It seems the switches are the most expensive parts to add to limit the switches to no more than a couple.

Last edited by willyfire
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036 will be your largest curve on a 4 x 8. You can figure 8, or an inside passing track. You need 5" straights in the middle of the 2 90° corners to expand it and 55" of straight on each side. 5 -10" & 2- 5".


Check the Lionel site for the kits for 8 & passing to see what they look like. Search here on the forum for "4 x 8 layouts" and you see some more creative designs using tubular O track. Smaller radius turns.


If you can fit a 5' x 9' size into your area, you open up your options a lot. A used  Ping-Pong table can be found for about the price of the lumber for a  4 x 8 or less. Check the local _List. Edit: just checked 3 of 5 areas in AR $30-$50


Last edited by Moonman
Originally Posted by sinclair:

Being you are only doing a 4x8, I would recommend getting only O36 manual switches.  They can be found at a decent price at different online vendors.  I went this route and it allowed me to get 5 switches in a space smaller than 4x8 (Had to fit it under a bed.).  Look here for another thread like yours where I posted photos of it.

I like that layout. do you have a list of parts you can send me?

I don't have one handy, but I will work on that and get you a SCARM file of it, which you can then get the parts from, as well as change it.  With 4x8, you can get a bit more track on it as mine is smaller so that it would fit under a twin sized bed.  In the mean time, I suggest you go download SCARM and play with it a bit so that once you get my file, you can look at it, and tweak it to your likely and needs.

Another useful tool is Lionels Fastrack book.  They have numerous examples of small, medium and large layouts and all the helpful hint in wiring, example like wiring up block sections, command control, ect.  I found it useful when we did our 3 line 6 by 11 foot Fastrack layout.  Santa Fe also mentioned Thortrains website.  Lots of great examples on his site. 


Here is Sinclair's under bed layout stretched to a 4' x 8'. The SCARM file is attached.

The switches should include an 036 1/4 turn (11.25deg), so those won't need to be purchased. Check the Forum for sale and Mark's offer and anywhere you can. Buy the track used or as low as possible.

Right click the SCARM file attachment and select "save target as". Save it to your desktop. Download an install SCARM. Then just double-click the file to have a working file.

Have fun!




Sinclair's 4 x 8 3D

Sinclair's 4 x 8

Sinclair's 4 x 8 Parts List


Images (3)
  • Sinclair's 4 x 8 3D
  • Sinclair's 4 x 8
  • Sinclair's 4 x 8 Parts List
Files (1)
Last edited by Moonman

Moonman, close, but not quite.  As promised, here is my layout and SCRAM file.


Under Bed Layout

Under Bed Layout List

I was using Lionel's logging train set as the main train.  So the uncoupler on the one spur is to unload the cars.  Of note on the locations of the other uncouplers, very bad placing.  The spacing is just right that on most locomotives, the pickup rollers hit the dead spot of the uncoupler and switch at the same time, which made switching next to useless, so I would just skip them as you can reach by hand.  I also wired the bumper lights and the uncouplers to be powered off of the ACC of the CW-80, so that they still would work with track power off.


Now here is one layout I might build if I was going to have room for 4x8 and wanted to stick with FasTrack.


Under Bed Layout 4x8 mod

Under Bed Layout 4x8 mod List


I like this because it gives slightly longer spurs, adds another spur, and gives a couple of passing options for longer trains as well as allows you to get around short trains.


But if I was really going to do a 4x8 I'd go with Atlas track so that I could get a double main all around the board.  Like below.


4x8 Atlas

4x8 Atlas List

This provides some switching, but mostly allows me to run two trains as once, as I am mostly a runner not an operator.


It depends on what kind of model train guy you are.  If you like just sitting back and watching them run, this is good.  But if you like operating your trains, giving them a purpose, then you'll get bored quick.


I personally like as much track as possible, within reason, so the short pieces in the curves on the 4' side I would make longer to push the track to the edge more.  But if you want things on the outside of the loop, then you are okay that way.  I would put in at least one more spur to give you some options for stations or industries.

Thanks sinclair. Since I am brand new I don't know what I am yet LOL. My thoughts ar eto get a basic track layout at  the most reasonable price. By adding one loop and one spur it will let me get a little exposure to multiple options. I want o add a few buildings, some scenery etc. pretty quick to make it more enticing to the 4 year old granddaughter so I was limiting track expense to spend $$ on some "stuff. Really appreciate your advice.

Originally Posted by willyfire:
Moonman - how do i open this file in Scarm as a drawing?

The SCARM file is a simple text file. Sometimes the "Save Target As" changes the file extension to .txt, like it just did for me. If you download it with the .txt extension, all you have to do is rename it to change the extension to .scarm.

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