Originally Posted by CNJ 3676:
Perhaps the company finally decided to take the extra time to proofread and correct mistakes in the catalog before releasing it and depending upon the customers to find them and point them out.
Yes, I'm being facetious lest anyone think I'm being serious and causing any of my fellow forum members to have a conniption.
Looking for typos, photo and description errors has become a semi-annual tradition with the MTH catalog. The challenge varies with each release but is generally greater than finding Waldo, seek-a-word and Highlights pictures - the candle or hoe might be hard
- but much easier than those Magic Eye pictures. What bugs me the most is that many of these mistakes are easily recognizable and could easily be avoided with proper proof-reading. Have a number of employees read the draft forward and back, get spouses, or a well respected English teacher/writer to look over your work before you send the approved final draft to the printer.
Originally Posted by Barry Broskowitz:
The following is from Andy Edleman, VP of Marketing for MTH:
The catalog is too big to get it finished in time for York. It will go to press the week of York and should be in our hands by the end of April. We will have the catalog online by Thursday of York week.
We will have the new tinplate and S Gauge catalogs available for distribution at York. Like the O Gauge catalog, they too will be online by Thursday of York week.
Originally Posted by scott.smith:
OK Barry, I'll one up up on speaking with Andy today. Andy told me about an hour ago one of the biggest reasons the catalog is delayed is the fact that it is much LARGER than the last couple of catalogs they have put out. So let the speculation begin.
Scott Smith
Larger catalog or not, this is a managerial problem. Your company puts out two major catalogs per year each six months apart. The release dates have been tied to York meets which have dates established years in advance. Why wasn't someone at MTH in contact with their catalog printer to know what the lead time was required to produce and ship the catalog in time for York release. Secondly, if the lead time was known or submission date established by the printer was missed by MTH staff, then again MTH management dropped the ball. The only reason that MTH probably would receive a pass would be if their printer had a major breakdown. But from the reasons we've seen posted above referring to the delay being tied to the size of the catalog, we come back to blame MTH staff.
I don't recall the number ever being announced. Maybe the number of catalogs MTH hands out at York is small compared to their mailing count. However, we've heard countless times about the financial pressures on company's within this industry. Trying to control costs is important to their bottom line. How much will MTH end up paying to ship these catalogs to club members who normally would have picked them at MTH's York booth?
Most if not all the above are avoidable mistakes that cost MTH in dollars and reduced professional and consumer image.