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On our layout, for all main line SWITCHES, we are using a green LED to indicate straight thru and the red LED to indicate the diverging track. (I believe this is typical).   When designating switch direction for non main lines - ie switches entering yards, are there other colors used or is the same green / red format used?   

How do you do 3 way and 4 way switches? - switched direction green; everything else red?  Does anybody use any other LED colors for yard switches (white, blue, yellow)?  What's prototypical?


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@TomSuperO posted:

When designating switch direction for non main lines - ie switches entering yards, are there other colors used or is the same green / red format used?   

How do you do 3 way and 4 way switches? - switched direction green; everything else red?  Does anybody use any other LED colors for yard switches (white, blue, yellow)?  What's prototypical?


Although it may not be obvious why, 3-way and 4-way switches do not exist in the real world.  Consequently, there is no prototypically correct color set, except to continue to use red and green only.

How does this really work?  instead of cramming two or three sets of diverging rails on top of the through track, and on top of each other, they're actually stretched out in a row one after the other.  The track gangs actually just lay out two or three independent standard switches sequentially in order to achieve two or three tracks diverging from the through path.

Why?  Real-world yards, and all rail lines in general, do not have to be shoe-horned into a tiny little space as we have to do on our layouts.  They can live with the extra linear distance that two or three standard switches in a row occupy when they're used to complete this kind of job.

No need for other colors in yards in the real world as a result -- just use red/green in each signal head or dwarf, applying one head or dwarf for each of the diverging paths/switches.


Last edited by Mellow Hudson Mike

Thank You Mike.  I appreciate the explanation.  I didn't realize they didn't exist in the real world.  We are space limited , aren't we.  I'm starting to build a control panel with toggle switches and LED's to indicate switch position out on the layout (including the yards) and realized how do i show positions on these 3 & 4 ways that i can see at a glance.  I like your idea of using dwarf signals to show switch position, but on all our yards, the dwarfs would be facing away from us.   3  red/green bi-color LEd's (1 on each track on the control panel for a 3 way switch ) would work, but i've read here on the forum that bi-color LED's aren't compatible with DZ1000 switch controllers.  Wonder if they're compatible with the dz2500's.

Thanks Mike


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