I never saw this post of yours until now, Tue. 22 Jul. 2014, T./1135 Hd. Hrs., by searching this 'O' Gauge Forum.
Your NYC Pacemaker caboose and box cars are beautiful.
For now, I have to wait until my son takes the photo(s).
The cabooses that Malcolm created for you and me have the same red and gray color shades that Atlas made for their NYC Pacemaker box cars.
AND, Maloclm fashioned the colors without knowing the color schemes.
The prototype 1946 NYC colors for their 'FIVE' cabooses and their many DSI box cars were close to Malcolm's, which were darker than the 1954 PS made PS-1 box cars, for the NYC Pacemaker fleet, as Lionel's PS-1 version box cars are lighter, modeling PS.
I read in an old narrative that in 1954, when PS made up the PS-1 Pacemaker box cars, their red and gray colors were lighter, in shade, compared to the original 1946 NYC DSI Pacemaker equipment, so therefore, Lionel, sort of, got it right.
By the way, as on Malcolm's "Caboose...Facebook," my cab has the early 1950's F-1 Cement Black smoke stack, cupola roof, caboose body-roof, platforms, steps and 'A' and 'B' sill ends.