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@Landsteiner posted:

Happy to support the forum with this token amount of money (at least for those lucky to not be in trouble with all the current challenges). I know money is tight for many, so I hope at least 10% of the active readers of the forum will be able to make this contribution.

Well, it's almost impossible to believe that anyone who can afford to be in this hobby can't afford to cough up a buck a month to support the Forum (not to mention these are folks who also can afford to have a computer and be paying for internet service). 12 bucks a year is considerably less than the price of two 6-packs, don't you know.  

Last edited by breezinup

1% only? This topic has had over 4k views(does reoccurring visits by the same person count again). This makes me a bit sad.

I would have thought that the number would have been substantially higher. You hear the phrase, "What are you doing to support the hobby?", well, here is one great reason, for hardly anything at all, and the returns are way more than 10 fold, however many fold. Why sit on the fence with something so obvious?

Everyday the traffic here on the forum is a s&&& ton, need a Big Boy or Y6 to haul it. Just think about the multitude of topics that are churning that you follow, and the ones you don't. I can't even think of a percentage of what I don't follow because I see who I follow comment on a topic, and there is a good percentage that I will check it out a few times(especially if there are others I follow commenting along). Some could probably find that annoying, but what if the information that is passing through grabs your mind and you realize it is helpful to you?

Yeah, I know it sounds like I am standing on some sort of soapbox(would break) about the benefits. Well, yeah. Like I said somewhere back when, I saw someone else comment elsewhere, and then here. Well, all it took was for me to get home and pop $12 in on my end. This is better than playing the lottery twice a week, 52 weeks a year. Lottery chances aren't good to begin with, you may get a buck here or there, and not win big. Here though, you are going to a 6 Star Restaurant, and getting a 5 course meal for basically nothing.

All I can say is keep the food coming, and when is dessert.

Tried to pay, but it renews automatically. How do I do it without that feature?

You can't do it without the auto-renew feature. The system is designed for auto-renewal because that is almost universal these days.

You'll get an email a week or two before your membership comes up for renewal. You can opt out of the auto-renewal then, if you wish. However, if you opt out of the auto-renew, you will not get any more renewal emails  to remind you that your membership is about to expire.

Last edited by Rich Melvin

Certificate in a Frame

OGR Supporting Member Certificate

I placed my certificate in a frame and it is hanging on the wall in my Train Room. I had to make a minor change because the print had my credit card name on the certificate.

Yes: my alias is “Train Room Gary”. Look for my certificate proudly displayed on my YouTube Channel where several thousand model railroaders will see my support for the OGR Forum.

Hope all YouTubers do the same. Gary 🚂


Images (1)
  • OGR Supporting Member Certificate


It must be Alan, my certificate is 10302.

OK.  I'm in.  Even though I was already a "member" with digital and print subscriptions, "supporting membership" gives me a special certificate.  I'll hang it in my train room and boast about it.  Besides, if it is good for Gunrunnerjohn, then it's good for us all.

Thanks for this forum.  I've used it a lot and it's a great source for 1.) Quick answers to what's troubling you in your train room, 2.)  Brotherhood, 3.) Psychological therapy for MTH's recent announcement, 4.) Great, creative ideas, 5.) reassurance you aren't crazy (even though you are) because you have a room full of toys and gadgets that you've spent a ridiculous amount of money on over a long period of time.

Iron Horse Mike

@IRON HORSE posted:


I have the same issue.  I just checked my junk mail and found my receipt.  But there is nothing there that mentions how to get the certificate.

OK Mine was a link in the receipt. I see Rich previously posted this link after the folks at Crowdstack changed the procedure.

Download your certificate here!

Last edited by MartyE
@John H posted:

I think 300 is pretty pathetic. Just ask the people that have had their problems solved; $12 wouldn't even get their problem to a tech, and that is just one example of the benefits of this forum.

While I hope folks realize the overwhelming benefits of this forum and it's worth and consider supporting it, it's hard to say what people's situation is especially during the last few months.  I agree though, I hope more that are able will become supporting members.


We're talking 300 out of 25,000. I realize there are people struggling, and have great sympathy towards them. But I'm sure there are more than 300 on this forum that are comfortably retired or not monetarily affected by this pandemic. I don't think it is a hobby of the 22 million that lost their jobs, or the countless others that live paycheck to paycheck. Of course, this is just my opinion, and I hope I offend some enough to send in the $12.

@John H posted:


We're talking 300 out of 25,000. I realize there are people struggling, and have great sympathy towards them. But I'm sure there are more than 300 on this forum that are comfortably retired or not monetarily affected by this pandemic. I don't think it is a hobby of the 22 million that lost their jobs, or the countless others that live paycheck to paycheck. Of course, this is just my opinion, and I hope I offend some enough to send in the $12.


That 25,000 figure is really very misleading... what we really have to consider is 300 out of how many “active” members. Every so often, I find myself in an old thread and see a lot of avatars/screen names I don’t recognize, so I take a look at there profile (I’ll have to see if Crowdstack changed that too!!!) - often I find individuals who haven’t visited in over 5 years, but they are still in that 25,000 number.

That being said, I really hope that many more of the “active” and even regular visitors will consider becoming Supporting Members. I’m sure they have already received (and will continue to) more than $12 of value from being here.

I had trouble getting my certificate.  I got it by clicking on the link in my receipt that I found in my junk mail.  I had to log on but was not successful.  It said my e-mail address did not exist, even though I have been a customer (subscriber) for 25 years.  So I entered my name and address and then I got my e-mail receipt.  I clicked on "certificate" and it was there.  Weird but this was the process for me.  I clicked on it and downloaded as a PDF. 

OGRR, take note, why make it so complicated?

Iron Horse, I'm sorry you had a problem, but I can assure you that the process is very simple. It's just two clicks for most people.

The fact that the email went to your junk mail folder is where the problem started for you. You were not properly registered or logged in. It could have been a cookie problem in your browser.

The bottom line? You got your certificate and we thank you for becoming a supporting member! Now go get a frame for that certificate! 

Link copied to your clipboard.