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I signed up for a supporting membership today and I’m glad to help OGR during this difficult time for the hobby I love.

l became involved in local politics two years ago, and got elected to serve on our city commission. The position has taken up a good deal of my time, especially my train time.

I’ve been away from the OGR forum and neglected my trains for too long.

I’m looking forward to lurking around the forum again and seeking advice on a bunch of repairs I’ve been putting off for a while now.

Thanks and take care,

Richard Gonzales

RE This forum sucks. GEE fellow modeler it's a crazy weekend. If your not going out of town you are probably expecting someone. A little patience is in order here. Alan I see what you mean in your edit a few weeks ago. Let's all go back to the starting line and try again.Happy T Day for all. Charlie  Hope this helps

Morning Alan

I was blocked from entering the Forum this morning and was required to donate $12.  Is this Kosher? or was this a spam?  I donated during your first request but its been a while I guess.  I will gladly donate again to the Forum before it is lost forever.  Just send me a personal message to my email address to inform me as to what procedure to use from now on.

John Sewell

@Seth Thomas posted:

Morning Alan

I was blocked from entering the Forum this morning and was required to donate $12.  Is this Kosher? or was this a spam?  I donated during your first request but its been a while I guess.  I will gladly donate again to the Forum before it is lost forever.  Just send me a personal message to my email address to inform me as to what procedure to use from now on.

John Sewell

@OGR CEO-PUBLISHER just to give Alan a heads up!

@Seth Thomas posted:

Morning Alan

I was blocked from entering the Forum this morning and was required to donate $12.  Is this Kosher? or was this a spam?  I donated during your first request but its been a while I guess.  I will gladly donate again to the Forum before it is lost forever.  Just send me a personal message to my email address to inform me as to what procedure to use from now on.

John Sewell

Hi Seth,

I have no idea why you would have received this notice unless it was some sort of glitch.  You are already a forum member and not new to this place so this is a puzzle to me!  Just send me an email at and we will figure this out.  Thanks!

I first joined OGR in January of this year, so mine doesn't renew until February.

But, this seems like a good place to ask this question.  Besides some of the posting names (when looking at a post) you see 'Member', others say 'OGR Forum Member'.  I couldn't find where that distinction is.  Can anyone answer that?  To me it seems based on how long you've been on OGR.

Does becoming a full member, and $3, get you a latte at SBUX?

I have never been asked to fork over the $3.  What you get for your money is the use of the forum, which costs money to operate. Once there was an institution called the "free lunch counter." My grandfather told me about it. Before prohibition, many saloons had, in addition to a bar, a large table on which were piled cold cuts, breads, and other sandwich fixings. If you bought a nickel scooter of beer, you had the right to go to this table and make yourself a sandwich at no extra charge. Unfortunately notwithstanding what many people currently believe regarding government handouts, there is no longer a free lunch counter.  Someone has to bear the burden of underwriting the cost of running the farm, and who better than the users?

I received a notice the other day, I think all went well and I’m happy to be a supporting member. I would think they would notify us if the payments didn’t go through. This is a great Forum, lots of interesting topics, people, pictures, videos, a place where we can enjoy the hobby with folks with all kinds of backgrounds, and learn the how to do things from the best. It’s an up to date encyclopedia of Model Railroading. You might say for $1 a month it’s the best show in town. Happy Railroading Everyone

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