Haven posted for a long time but I suppose its time to get back into the game. I have a Lionel Oil Company Derrick and a Sunoco Derrick that both have burned out delay boards part number 610-2048-110. No longer available, but I do have the replacement 2305-045 board for the LTI type. Anybody out there have experience swapping these boards? I'd love to have these up and running this weekend if possible. Thanks in advance, guys!
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Wow! Its amazing that nobody has had to do this repair? I have the bubbler lights on but the pump jacks are inoperative. My story is that the cost of crude oil production is higher than the price of gas these days....Still looking for a solution for fixing the delay boards. Again, Thanks in Advance.
Can't help with that specific item number, but I think one I repaired is of closer vintage than the 2305 from MPC days.
I had a Marathon Derrick that didn't work (I think it was like yours, light on, but no pumping), and I fixed it by replacing the 555 timer IC on the board.
Unless you see stuff actually burned/melted on the board, it may be possible to replace the chip, assuming 555 timer ICs can still be purchased from Digikey/Mouser/etc. (It's been years, and I had them in my stash from when I was in school in the early-mid 90's)
Going by memory here, but I believe the 2305 board tried to directly match how the original 455 thermostatic strip component fastened to the base of the oil derrick. So on the underside of the board, you'll notice a strip of soldered area on the edge, which is designed to be firmly touching the metal base to supply ground. The board includes a terminal post for the power lead. The lead from the solenoid gets soldered to the board.
Excellent Joe! That is exactly the info I need!