Hey Ben;
I think that photo of the 3rd Ave El is from either 1948 or 1949. The cars that can be seen look like 40s models and I remember a massive snow storm in either 48 or 49 that brought the city to a stand still.
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Hey Ben;
I think that photo of the 3rd Ave El is from either 1948 or 1949. The cars that can be seen look like 40s models and I remember a massive snow storm in either 48 or 49 that brought the city to a stand still.
The large building in the photo looks interesting. Notice the flag flying atop the building. It must have been a foreign consulate. Also on the ramp coming down Park Avenue, there is a Horse car still in service. Electricity was a whole new technology in New York City when this was taken. Poles on the street bit the cars were powered from a conduit below ground.
Hi Bob
The discussion of the earlier Grand Central's referred to it as Grand Central Station and noted it was a stop along lines heading further South. At some point, New York City likely banned steam locomotives from coming further south of that station. Thus it would have been necessary to change to the Horse drawn cars that we see in this photo.
On Long Island , a similar arrangement existed for the South Side Railroad, where locomotive hauled trains ended at Bushwick Station near the present lumber yard on the West end of todays LIRR Bushwick secondary. Passengers heading west to the Broadway-Grand Street ferry changed to Horse cars at Bushwichk to complete the trip. That was in 1870.
Interesting about the name Tryon. This is in what was likely the city center in those days. In Charlotte NC, the Main North South street is Tryon street with the intersection of Tryon and Trade street being the crossroads of Charlotte. The city is sometimes referred to as "Wall Streets back room" as it has a post civil war history of finance and insurance business. It is interesting that the same street name could show up in locations engaged in similar industry.
Hi Bob
greats photos. The first shot has the 7th ave car in the original as delivered colors. The BMT El trains still crossed the bridge at this time so the cars shared the roadway with the trolleys.Check out that Packard in the photo. In your second photo, the BMT El is gone, the PCC is in Board of Transportation colors and its probably near the end of operations.
Heres a few more:
This is a Vanderbilt car on the old BMT EL trackways on the way to Brooklyn.
a 7th ave car waiting at the Manhattan end at Park row. The 7th ave line was the last Trolley to operate over the Brooklyn Bridge in 1950.
Probably a seventh ave and a Vanderbilt car at Park Row. The car in the Backround is a 6000 series Flushing ave car. If you look just above the car in the foreground, just left of the pole, you can make out the Trainshed for the third ave el Park Row spur.
Leaving Manhattan . Great view of Downtown manhattan.
Looks like a seventh ave and a Vanderbilt car arriving in Brooklyn near Tillary Street. There was a third line which was equipped with PCCs and operated over the Brooklyn Bridge. It was the Erie Basin car. Two additional non PCC lines also operated over the Brooklyn Bridge, the Graham ave car and the Dekalb ave car. These lines used the 6000 series and Peter Witts. When the BMT El was in service , The Great Sands Street depot was about at this spot and the Trolleys went up a ramp and into a train shed with the El Trains.All of the Brooklyn Els with the exception of the Broadway line operated into Sands Street. It was a three level complex with loops and through tracks. It was torn down in 1944 with the El Service over the bridge.
I have a feeling that the little dummy engine might be at what is today the location om the M Line Terminal( former Myrtle Ave Line) near Metropolitan Ave and 69th st.
Here are some photos looking North at the Metropolitan Ave station. At the far end of the photo would be the point where the Steam dummy was situated in Bobs earlier photo.
In the lot to the left, we used to park our cars for the day when taking the Train to Downtown Manhattan. I think it was $2 for the week and the Lady who collected your 2 bucks on Monday knew who paid and who didn't later in the week.
The area to the right of the station was the cut for the New York Connecting Railroad. The New Haven Bay Ridge trains ran on this line , long freights pulled by heavy freight motors and frequently. Ben you remember these at the Southern end at the Bay Ridge 69th street yard.To the right of the railroad was New Farmers Oval. As teenagers , we played league Baseball on a field there . I can remember riding the Gate cars to get there from Williamsburg Brooklyn out to the wilds of Middle Village Queens. It was quite rural and there was a lot of new housing constructed there from the late 50's into the late 60's.
This is an R-11 fan trip about 1 month after the Myrtle Elevated below Broadway was discontinued. There are some Q cars up at the end of the track at the right.This was a stub ended station. The Platform was all wood and it had a covered Island about halfway which was ok for the three car Myrtle el trains that operated from here. The station building was wood construction and went back to the early 2oth century. The Lutheran Line when built operated from Ridgewood, around Wycoff ave North to the Cemetary entrances at Metropolitan Ave. Neidersteins a hotel and restaurant from the 19th century was just east of here on Metropolitan Ave. Here is a photo of Niedersteins. Was built in 1854 but now gone.
Lets add a little Staten Island flavor to this thread.
A sample:
Continuing on the Staten Island Theme, the railway on the island was known as the Staten Island railway later to become known as Staten Island Rapid Transit It was originally owned by the B&O railroad, but today is part of the MTA. There were three lines, North shore South Beach and Tottenville. Only Tottenville remains in use for passengers today and the North Shore line has connection to CSX across arthur Kill via a lift bridge. Some scenes for you
Here is a system map from the early 1950s
A camel back with a train
A tank engine
The South Beach station in 1953 when that line closed. Hard to believe its 60 years
And to finish up we need a photo of a Staten Island Ferry. This one is the Miss New York a 1937 Steam Ferry and in Art Deco style. She is at the Manhattan end of the run. The City ferry service operates today and it is the best boating experience in New york City today. Twenty minutes on New York Bay and the passenger fare is No Charge.
Great SI photos. Any more old SI Ferry photos, like the infamous Mary Murray?
Or any Brooklyn Ferry?
Or Bayonne Ferry?
Ok here we go . Some more Ferries
First up is the Mary Murray
The third vessel in this class was the Gold Star Mother.
And one more this time from Brooklyn, The Hamilton
Inside of an SIRT car
View from the Bayonne bridge walkway looking toward Lake That's the Elm park station below
Mariners Harbor Station
Train going into Port Ivory at Western Ave
This is in Port Ivory
This one is leaving P&G headed toward St George
Route Map Notice all the freight sidings
Great stuff Ben. I remember riding on the North shore Branch. All trains leaving St George went South from the terminal.In the case of the train to Arlington, the train moved south out of St George on to the main and stopped. The crew changed ends and the tower threw the switch . The train then proceeded North past St George and then out on the North shore line. Return trip involved the same reverse move to get into St George.
69th street Ferry as us Brooklynites called it
And we have the South end of Staten Island at Tottenville. There was a ferry there to Perth Amboy. It remained operating for a while after the Outerbridge Crossing was completed. You can see the Tottenville terminal from the train station.
Here is the terminal in Perth Amboy
Before 1950, this oldtimer did the Ferry chore on this route
In later times a smaller simplified boat handled the route. This vessel may have gone out east on the Greenport- Shelter Island -Sag Harbor run.
Heading Back North here we have a view of the CNJ's Liberty street Boat. This one is the Westfield.
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