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In 1827, a steam powered ferry line opened at Corlears Hook to connect Grand Street in Manhattan with Grand Street in Brooklyn. De Lancey was the owner of the lands in this area. He had a farm and was an early developer. On his street map he marked a Great De Lancey  square and from the River bank, he mapped a wide street which he called Grand Street. There was a street that crossed Grand which he called Orchard Street because it went to , you guessed it, an orchard on the farm. And so that was likely the beginnings of that lower east side community which today has a Grand Street, Delancey street and an Orchard street.


On the Brooklyn side, the ferry opened up lands in Williamsburg to development. Companies that started there were Pfizer which grew to a large Pharmaceutical concern and a Havermayer sugar business which became Domino Sugar. an additional ferry was established to Broadway Brooklyn which allowed this area to develop as an important commercial and banking center , ie the Williamsburg Bank. There were horse car lines emanating from the ferry slips, the Broadway Elevated and even a car line to Bushwick station which made a connection with Long Island railrroad trains to the east. The Grand street Ferry ran to 1910 shortly following completion of the Williamsburg Bridge. 


Here is a map of the area and an early stereo slide view of a Ferry.


ny east side


grand street ferry -ca.-1860.


Images (2)
  • ny east side
  • grand street ferry -ca.-1860.

Love that Wentworth ave station  That was added after electrification


This is Arlington Yard right before P&G moved all their operations to Cincinnatti.  The engine on the right was being operated by the Delaware Otsego shortline after Chessie abandoned SI freight.  The engineer was my next door neighbor  Took a lot of cab rides then.


 A few shots of the ninth and sixth avenue els along the line. These lines startedn 1878 and were closed in 1938 6th avenue line and 1940 9th ave line. The section of the ninth avenue line from the Polo Grounds north across the harlem river remained until after the N Y Giants left for San Francisco and the Putnam line trains were discontinued.


This is the Southern end at South Ferry




The 6th ave El joined the 9th ave el about Rector street. In this view you can see the 6th ave on the right and the original stub end of the el. This place was just North of the battery Place station which was the 1st stop leaving South Ferry





This is the station building on the downtown side of the Barclay Street Station on the 9th Ave line. The building was Victorian in style complete with the witches hat. It is a real cutie. Who is up for modeling this one on their layout




All the way to the North End at the Polo Grounds. The station was a 5 track affair and had a complex switching arrangement with double slips in the throat leading to the yard next to the Polo Grounds. This was the largest El yard on the New York city system.


9th ave el 158st



Here is the yard itself. Look at all those el cars!!




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  • El9SFerry8
  • L6Rector2
  • L9Barclay
  • 9th ave el 158st
  • El9Yard4

In Brooklyn, cars of the B&QT ran over to Long Island City in Queens travelling accross the double Bascule Bridge on Manhattan Ave and Vernon Boulevard which spanned the Newtown Creek at this point. This bridge was fascinating to watch and did operate quite frequently since there was a lot of water traffic on the creek in the late 40's early 50's. It made quite a racket as there were two bascules opening and closing at the same time. On the Queens side, Vernon Boulevard was on a viaduct that spanned the LIRR Long Island City yards and station as well as an adjunct PRR yard to handle cars that could not be accomodated in Sunnyside yard. There were a lot of trains to see. The B&QT had a turnaround loop at Vernon and Jackson Avenue where you could get a Queens trolley or the Flushing Line at Vernon and Jackson ave. Station. The subway still stops there but the trolleys and double bascule are long gone. 


manhattan avd bdge


Heres a B&QT car and other traffic waiting on Vernon Boulevard while the bridge is open for water traffic.


vernon blvd


With the bridge closed, we have a Graham ave car coming off the Bridge onto manhattan ave in Greenpoint Brooklyn. The car is a 6000 series built in the early 1930s and was the last car designed by B&QT before the purchase and delivery of the 100 PCC cars. It is still in its B&QT red and cream colors before the Board of Transportation colors were applied. This route ran to downtown Brooklyn and continued through the sands street area onto the Brooklyn Bridge and to Park Row in Manhattan. It was one of a few routes that served three boroughs of the city. 


crosstown trolley-car-profile


Images (3)
  • manhattan avd bdge
  • vernon blvd
  • crosstown trolley-car-profile

The Polo Grounds and the spur off of the #4......then and its remnant now, next to the new Yankee Stadium.







On the north side of the new stadium






Coming over the bridge with High Bridge in the distance.






just north of the new stadium





a magnificent can easily see the trestle bridge over the Harlem River where the EL spur used to be. North of the Polo Grounds the subway car yard is gone and has been replaced by high rises (compare it to the 1st picture).


I'd be interested if anyone can date these B&W pics.  I took the color shots the summer of 2009.




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  • 71
  • 1941pologroundsshuttle
  • 680101231_3030AF1A59D479702C7EDD6FBB7EAB07
  • 780101231_86629A0131A9553F59DD807CFFE6AF0D
  • polo155
  • polo-grounds-8th-av-sub-ext-demo-copy
  • 580101231_5FDA21F06655E08567406ACD2DDA7780
  • sp_AAIC091_16x20~Yankee-Stadium-and-Polo-Grounds-New-York-City-Posters
Last edited by Putnam Division

The second photo I believe is in 1940 when the 9th Ave el service ended. The trains are composites. The station at the PoloGrounds is still intact as it was when the 9th ave el used it and the Storage yard was just to the north. The first photo , the aerial view of the polo grounds is likely from about the same time The Yard is still in use . It was closed sometime about 1942. Check out the field with a magnifying glass. There are players on the field. Who played for the Giants in 1940 or so. 


Photos 5 and 6 are from about 1953-54 or so. There is a vehicle from that period in the street. We know its before 1958 since the sign board in the stadium is advertising a Giants Night game, Giants vs the Phillies. I wonder who won.

Last edited by LIRR Steamer

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