I have four new Fastrack 060 Command and Control switches installed in a 45 degree crossover between loops. There is a block section between the loops (switch connection mid point) isolating the two loops (hot center rail only) which are independently powered by 2 CW 80s. The layout is wired in home run fasion with continuous common throughout the layout and the hot center rail blocked for each home run section. All switches work fine in all modes with one exception on one switch. The problem is this; when locos approach the points going into the curve they stop dead, no power. When going thru the switch from the curve (opposite to the points ends) toward the thru route they run fine! I metered the curved point rail that pivots and it has no continuity with the outside common rail when in the turnout position. If I press hard on the point toward the outside I can get continuity of the common. The point appears to be touching the outside rail when switched but won't achieve continuity unless I press on it. Oh one more thing the switches are externally powered. Is there a jumper that may not be connected that I should look for in the switch? If not is there a way to tighten or otherwise improve the electrical contact when the switch is in the turn position. I am of course assuming that the curved point rail is my problem; if there may be some other cause to look for please advise also.
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