This life long New Yorker even loves the sound of the name: Pennsylvania.
When I see a Post or Reply on this Forum, which I find moving or interesting, I check the author's profile, and often discover that he/she (almost always he) is from the State of Pennsylvania. Do you all agree that an inordinately high percentage of Forum members are from Pennsylvania?
And then, there is the Mecca of O Gauge railroaders: York, Pennsylvania, where all the truly serious hobbyists religiously go for the massive train show at least once per year. I've only been there once in my life with my wife and young children in the mid 1990s, but certainly plan to go back soon, probably with an empty wallet (any money in my wallet would surely be spent). LOL
And then there is the Standard of the World, the Pennsylvania Railroad, and IMO the greatest train station of all time: the original Penn Station in NYC.
And then there is the arguably most awesome locomotive of all time: the PRR GG1.
And what about the charming Pennsy K4 Pacific?
And then there is IMO one of the best high rail O Gauge train layouts in the World in the home of Phil Klopp, one of our Forum members, in Easton. Pennsylvania. Now I know there are many other great O Gauge layouts, but Phil's layout is the best I have seen in person, which just happens to be in Pennsylvania. And he has many models of Pennsy locomotives and train cars, and features a beautifully scenicked PRR horse shoe curve and Starruca (sp?) Viaduct.
I can go on and on about Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Railroad and O Gauge Trains.
If you have a passion for the Pennsy, you can share it here.