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Strap Hanger, speaking of Paradise by the DashBoard, were you rounding third, and did you make it to home (plate)? LOL

And are you hoping for the end of time? LOL

Your layout looks like a very interesting one that is full of fun.

LOL!  Thanks Arnold. Too much libation last night to round any bases, LOL! Love  your fun layout as well. It was nice to see the dockside section in the photos above. I’d have no problem hanging out in your basement with that layout!

While I an focused on a small niche in the hobby, I love to see folk's layouts be they small/large, simple/complex, traditional/scale!

My wife and I are currently living in an apartment while our retirement home gets built, so ALL of my trains are carefully packed away and are in storage.

Hasn't stopped me from playing with toys, however.  While my trains are away, My little paradise is the 12'x8' 1:32 digital slot car set in my office bedroom.

office layout v2 pic 1



Images (1)
  • office layout v2 pic 1

Still under construction, but at least trains are running and I can imagine what it will look like all fleshed out with some scenery, buildings, etc.   I guess we can call this a basement, but I think the tax man thinks it's living space because of the walkout.

I parked a few things on the TT, got to have a place for the Wienermobile!

Moving forward with the freight yard expansion.


Images (3)
  • mceclip0
  • mceclip1
  • mceclip2

Still under construction, but at least trains are running and I can imagine what it will look like all fleshed out with some scenery, buildings, etc.   I guess we can call this a basement, but I think the tax man thinks it's living space because of the walkout.

I parked a few things on the TT, got to have a place for the Wienermobile!

Moving forward with the freight yard expansion.

John, I think the lower level of your layout in your 1st above photo will be great for a subway. Arnold

John, I think the lower level of your layout in your 1st above photo will be great for a subway. Arnold

Well, I could put a subway on the inner loop there, the outer loop is part of my mainline.  The track closest to the edge is my shop maintenance track, I can fire up locomotives there and drive them out onto the mainline for testing.

@ironman1 posted:

You can never have enough yard space.

Truer words have never been spoken, I wish I had planned for more yard tracks from the beginning.  I think no matter how many times you do this, you never cover all the bases!   Hopefully with my freight yard extension and maybe stacking three more in the back, I'll have sufficient yard space.  Not really enough, but sufficient.

@Arnold D. Cribari


This is a GREAT thread!!!!! I am a little late to the party, but, here are some of my photos of the layout over the years. Currently, the layout is pulled apart and undergoing MAJOR renovation. I hope you all enjoy this retrospective of the Great Northeastern Railway, The standard Railroad of the basement.Chaz Walking on Track [3)DSC_0053

City StreetEmpire State 1The FederalDSC00016010020HPIM0740Thomas Annie and Clarabel


Images (10)
  • City Street
  • Empire State 1
  • The Federal
  • DSC00016
  • 010
  • 020
  • HPIM0740
  • Thomas Annie and Clarabel
  • Chaz Walking on Track (3)
  • DSC_0053

For years I've had a leak in my basement when the washing machine goes into its rinse and spin cycle. It turns out that the leak happens because the pipe needs to be replaced with a wider one where the water exits the washing machine and empties into the pipe. I have a relatively new washing machine that causes the exiting water to flow with more pressure than the original pipe can accommodate.

For a while, I thought that this leak could be incorporated into the layout as a geyser or waterfall with real water, enhancing the paradise aspect of the layout and basement.

More recently, I've grown sick and tired of this leak, that results in dampening a nearby switch track and puddles on the basement floor. I have a good dehumidifier, but am tired of mopping up puddles and wringing out towels a couple of times each week.

Real water, dampness, and excessive humidity don't go well with electric trains.

Today, I am thrilled to have a good plumber in my basement to replace an inoperable sump pump, replace the above-mentioned pipe with a wider one and fix the leak.

A dry basement will definitely make my layout more like paradise.

Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari

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