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@OddIsHeRU posted:

My West Coast 2200 foot two story home has neither basement nor high enough (5’) attic, so my layout shares "Paradise" space in the first floor family room.01-DSC_0004_0313-DSC_0002_05

Hi OddIsHeRU, I have the same issue. West coast homes, at least in California, typically don't have attics or basements! I also have a two story house with no basement and a attic that is only good for some storage. My layout is also in the living room and is shaped to fit into the bay window. People watch from outside all the time, especially at Xmas when the tree is setup in the middle of the layout. Very nice looking layout by the way, thanks for sharing it. Happy modeling!


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Richard and WesternPacific2217, I think you both did a great job building very nice layouts in limited space.

Unlike both of you,  I do have a layout in the basement, but I only have a half basement, so my layout space is also limited.. In order to make my layout more interesting, the trains run around three walls in the playroom and laundry room in the basement. My favorite thing about my layout is I tunneled through the wall between the playroom and laundry room so the trains leave the playroom and return through that tunnel for a nice dramatic effect.



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Richard and WesternPacific2217, I think you both did a great job building very nice layouts in limited space.

Unlike both of you,  I do have a layout in the basement, but I only have a half basement, so my layout space is also limited.. In order to make my layout more interesting, the trains run around three walls in the playroom and laundry room in the basement. My favorite thing about my layout is I tunneled through the wall between the playroom and laundry room so the trains leave the playroom and return through that tunnel for a nice dramatic effect.


I really like your baseball field, nice job! I'll bet it looks totally cool at night with the flood lights on! I wish I had a basement! :-(

Great thread Arnold!  I really enjoy the beautiful "train caves' and layouts featured here.

My tiny slice of paradise is only 16 in wide by 8 ft long.  Its a seasonal layout (comes down in the spring and summer and back up for the fall and winter) that occupies a section of our den.  This is my first O-Gauge "layout" and I hope to have time to expand it this season.  It has two key features - a coal tower scene and a depot scene.  It's an admittedly modest pike, but brings me hours of enjoyment none-the-less.

Here's the coal tower scene with a line-up of Pennsy power.


Here's a couple of pics of the depot scene.

Depot Scene

PRR L1 with Boxcar


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  • Depot Scene
  • PRR L1 with Boxcar

Hi OddIsHeRU, I have the same issue. West coast homes, at least in California, typically don't have attics or basements! I also have a two story house with no basement and a attic that is only good for some storage. My layout is also in the living room and is shaped to fit into the bay window. People watch from outside all the time, especially at Xmas when the tree is setup in the middle of the layout. Very nice looking layout by the way, thanks for sharing it. Happy modeling!

I'm losing it!!! I forgot to mention that the name of my layout is "Paradise", so named after Paradise, California. So, Paradise in the Living Room. Southern Pacific had a branch that ran through Paradise from Stirling City to Chico (25 miles) to transport lumber to the Diamond match plant in Chico. It's a bike trail now. I wanted to pay tribute to all those folks that lost their life's (85), homes and businesses in the November 8, 2018 Camp fire that almost completely destroyed Paradise, Magalia, and Concow (20,000 structures burned to the ground). My Dad lived in Magalia for 30 years until he passed in 2010, and I would visit every month. Unfortunately my Dad's old house also was burned to the ground. I'm sort of glad he wasn't around for all that! One of the fun things I did with my Dad was The Feather River Canyon, just 20 miles from Paradise. We would fish, watch UP and BNSF trains negotiate the canyon, and be total bums in such a beautiful place! May Paradise, Magalia and Concow rebuild and live on.

Last edited by WesternPacific2217


It was such a pleasure to be taken on a video tour of your train room, trains and layout, which are, indeed, a slice of paradise.

What I found special about it was seeing how gorgeous you keep the entire room, including your couch and  what is under your train tables, as well as the layout itself.

You have everything so neat, clean and well-organized.

I call layouts and train rooms like yours Divine Perfection.


@Chris1985 posted:

Great topic as always @Arnold D. Cribari! Love all of the photos of the layouts and rooms, especially @Mark Boyce with his WM layout! I have not been on the forum in a while so here is the latest on my slice of paradise! Hope you all are having a great summer.

Hello Chris, AKA RBP Trains good to see you post in OGR. I watch your YouTube channel whenever you add content and you're always entertaining, and I'm a subscriber. I had to laugh out loud at the video where you had been up most of the night doing something to your piece of Paradise, and you looked about ready to pass out! LoL Now that's dedicated to record a video after and all night model train binge. Thanks for all the fun videos, I know it's a lot of time and work to make them.

For me, this Paradise in the Basement thread has also become Paradise on my Smartphone. I always visit this Forum on my smartphone.

For some of you folks, it is Paradise on your Computer, or Paradise on your i-Pad.

I congratulate all of you who have posted such gorgeous photos of your layouts. It will be nice to revisit this thread and contribute to it, periodically, over time.

As we continue to make adjustments to our layouts as our concept of model train Paradise evolves over time, it will be nice to share additional photos with each other.

For me, one thing is very likely to remain: Baseball & Trains, but I may do things in the future to improve it:





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Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari

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