I need to span about 16 inches minimum to get over a roadway and two tracks from "old town" to newly added "new town". The 16 inches would be from the inside trackside edges of the staircases. The 45 degree staircase up to the horizontal walkover span should be no problem as the tracks should clear them on one side (other angled side is over roadway), though higher height would be better.
I copied the MTH picture but they don't have "engineering dimensions" to use and neither hobby shops have Lionel or MTH to do a look see. Lionel instruction says inside span is 10.75 inches and tracks should be spaced 6 inches center rail to center rail. MTH says tracks should be on 4.50 inches center rail to center rail. MTH says height clearance from top of center rail to bottom of walkway span is 5.875 inches, while Lionel does not give this height clearance.
I am trying to determine which a pair of Lionel 6-14083 or MTH 30-9066 Pedestrian walkovers would do the trick. The horizontal bridges would be kit-bashed cut and plastistruct spliced together to get wider opening.
If I had Photoshop or some such, I could add fancy arrows and letters etc to make my thousand words easier to understand. Anyone have the walkovers and offer dimensional help?