Originally Posted by Doc Davis:
anyone know how this set differs (if at all) from the 2012 catalog version?
Yes, good question. I'm not an expert (on the older versions), but I know they came with an air whistle. The LCT loco can be had in traditional or PS3 versions, so I suppose one question will be does the traditional version have an air whistle?
From the little I can see, it looks like the passenger cars will be pretty much the same, i.e., the 600 series Pullmans and an Observation car.
I'm not an expert either, but I think the 2012 catalog version represents the first year of production. Unlike the Prewar Celebration Set, no chrome bezel around the headlight and the cars have black tanks.
BTW, the original 1935 that I owned, didn't have a whistle.
Actually, in 1935, all commodores, whether 264E's or 265E's had a flat wall cab, unweighted steam chest, and thick nickel rimmed drivers. I've seen some with the headlight bezel, but for the most part, they did not have them. Red comets had their grilles painted red, all other colors did not.
In 1935, the red come came with a red 261T tender, and, yes, it did not have a whistle. The cars were not lit, and had air tanks.
In 1936 and until they stopped being made, the engines had fire box doors cast into the back wall of the cab, a weighted steam chest, thin rimmed drivers, and headlight bezels. The tender was a waffle top 265T or W (whistle). The cars had fish bellies and were lit.The weights in the steam chest and cab gave it traction, as the 1935's were too light to pull much.
I may have missed a fine point or two, but that's the majority of it. I digressed, now back to the PWC and LCT versions.
The PWC is more 1936 and up. The only real notable exception is the thick rimmed drivers, nickel grille, and plastic whistle.
The LCT version is more 1935, with the 261T tender. Notable exceptions are (and this is based on the catalog illustration) that it has the more elaborate valve gear/side rods, like a 265E, and the side rivets look painted. Also, the illustration shows more of a matte finish.
I can't comment on which is better or worse. Lionel probably leased the dies to MTH or something like that.
Hope this history lesson may have been a bit interesting to some of you folks.