They seem to sell well in popular road names and paint schemes.
That's because folks (like me) don't or didn't know what they're buying most of the time. All we see is the pretty eye candy without the first thought of "Is it right?". And that's a real shame, because having it "right" would make the model even nicer.
Of those 4 PS-1 40 foot boxcars I want to fix, 1 (Lionel) has the 8' 6-Panel Superior door, 2 (1 MTH, 1 Weaver) have doors that look like 6-Panel doors, but they have these exaggerated bumps in the panels that make them look like something out of Star Wars. The 4th car (Weaver) has 8' Youngstown doors.
With these 4 cars, none of the combinations of doors, paint schemes, and lettering schemes are accurate. The only thing wrong on the Lionel car is the doors, if there were 7-Panel doors available all I'd have to do is paint and swap them. As it stands now I'll have to strip, re-paint and re-letter.
I could then take the Lionel doors and swap them onto one of the other cars, then I'd have to strip the paint, re-paint, and re-letter the whole car.
The Weaver car with the Youngstown doors is painted in REA green. I will need to strip/paint/decal it to make it right.
The last car will have to be striped, re-painted, and re-lettered. I have a pair of Youngstown doors (left over from another project) that I can adapt to use.
That's a lot of work to make 4 cars close to "right". One problem is decals. Getting them made is pricey if I can't find them already produced.
I researched all the different PS-1 schemes Seaboard had yesterday and it's a nightmare to say the least. I managed to find 20 or so photos of these cars and there has to be 6 different paint/lettering schemes in addition to at least 3 types of doors. Decals exist for only a couple of them.
I have 2 photos of 1 car showing at some point they swapped a 7-Panel door for the 6-Panel door. I know the 6-Panel door photo was taken in 1989 because I took it, the caption on the other photo says 1985. These dates are long after the SAL-ACL merger, so even though I have photographic evidence of a car with the 6-Panel door I know it's not right (for the timeframe).
Bottom line is we need some 8', 7-Panel, Superior doors.
I researched what I could from Lionel and all of the cars I found had the 6', 7-Panel doors.
Guess it's time to make a few like I need. That still leaves a lot of striping, painting, and decaling, something that's starting to make me feel like giving this hobby a rest.