New guy here, why does my MTH Rail King PS-3 engine start up when track power is applied? When that happens, I can't start it up, I can't shut it down, and it won't run.
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Is the track power going through a powered up TIU? If so, you may need to fold down the board capacitors and route the wires over them. If you turn off power until the sound stops, will it start up silent when you apply power again, or does it start up in conventional 100% of the time?
Hey John, thanks for the reply. I just went and tried it again. When I apply power to the track, nothing happens. When I turn the DCS remote on, the engine powers up. Turn track power off and the engine shuts down. Power on again and the engine starts up again, but is uncontrollable. When I rotate the thumb wheel to make the engine go forward, nothing happens. Also can't shut it down without shutting the power off.
Here is a thread that might help. I have this problem with PS3 quite often, especially in MUs, where one engine starts in DCS and the other starts like you are describing. I always hit the reverse button to make sure both engines are responding. I have learned to live with it by powering off and restarting. Never a problem with PS2. Older versions of DCS were supposedly more prone to do this, but I am running V. 6.1 with all tens for signal, so some of the recommendations don't apply for me.
You need to be a little more clear in specific to get help. SO you have a TIU and remote and all your other DCS engines work fine? Did you add this engine to the remote? Try this engine all by itself on a small test track and see how it works. G
I have a TIU and a remote and my other MTH engines work fine. This one is programed into the remote and I tried it on a test track and It still starts up when track power is applied.
I have another TIU with a WIU hooked up. I can connect to the TIU network, but when I try to add an engine, it tells me either TIU can't be found or there's a connection error. Lionel is soooo much easier!
May be the the wiring issue discussed, but.... if a PS-3 starts up instantly that usually means a Supercap issue. Either bad solder joint or cap going bad. Should be fixable at the component level. I do that work. G