Don't understand why you were advised against the use of a BCR on the 5vPs2 locos. Other threads on this topic suggested otherwise.
I have 10 MTH engines with this electronics package, most of which had little-to-no run time for several years. Following the advice of a local MTH-trained tech, I recently completed replacement of the batt with the BCR...SUCCESSFULLY. Per common counsel on start-up of these systems, initial voltage was slowly ramped up to no more than 10v for a couple minutes, during which idle sounds all responeded. Then all 10 locomotives were put in motion, forward and backward, and performed 100% to expectations.
FWIW, I have 11 locomotives with a PS1 system, also. All now with BCRs. All performing properly.
Returning to the 5vPS2 locomotives... I fully understand that the nature of the boards in that system is that there's always a chance some of them will yet fail...even with the BCR. It's NOT a panacea. However, for the role that a dead or undercharged battery can play in some of the failure modes, the BCR...when properly installed, and properly brought to full charge on start-up...can often prolong the otherwise operational life.
I have not switched...yet?...engines with the 3vPS2 system to that different BCR. There seems to be consensus that there are far fewer electronic risks in that generation for which a BCR would provide as effective insurance.
This prior thread might be helpful to you. It was for me!